The New Student : Part 10

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This story contains trigger warning, harm, sensitive content and a few bad words! If you are uncomfortable with my content please do not read!

None of this happened in reality and this story is not criticizing or labelling anyone, especially idols and names used. This is just a story I wrote from my imagination!

Part 10: ~The New Student ~

~Han Yu's pov~ "We won't see Y/n again. She won't be staying with us anymore." Zi Hao told Shu Yang. I looked at him and widened my eyes. "What do you mean we won't see her again?!" I told him. He looked at me and glared. "It's your fault! Do you know that?!" He told me.

As i was going to say something Seonghyun jumped in. "Well who cares about her? She's nothing. She's not even korean so wth. And she's not pretty at all, she's ugly as hell." Wow. Zi Hao stood up u pointed at Seonghyun. "You shut up you garbage! Y/n is cuter and prettier more than you! She is more kind and doesn't pretend that she's something like you!" Then he pointed at me. "And you. You know how much she suffered? Just like you! But she was worse than you because she's adopted! And you just used her as your 'friend'. You left her all alone just like that Han Yu?! You're soo out of your mind! But you'll regret this you know! Because you have just lost a special diamond in your life!" He lastly said then grabbed his stuff and walked away.

I looked at the other boys and they were all staring at me. Shu Yang was the first one that left after Zi Hao. Xin Long after Shu Yang. Ming Rui after Xin Long. And Ze Yu after Ming Rui. I sighed and covered my face. What have i done? I looked at Seonghyun. "Seonghyun, i think we should break up." I said. She looked at me and widened her eyes. "What?!" I sighed. "Please leave." I said. "Fine, I'll leave. But you'll regret this."

~Y/n's pov ~ i was walking around the school alone waiting for the bell to ring. I went to put my stuff in my locker when someone suddenly closed my locker harshly. I looked at the person and blinked. "Hello y/n." The person said then pushed me against the lockers and started to hit me hardly, pulled my hair and I'm sure left scars on my face.

The person jumped on my leg very hard and it hurts so bad. Then the person left and left me there on the floor. I couldn't wake up and i was in pain. The last thing i heard was Zi Hao calling my name very loudly. Then I couldn't see, neither hear.

~End of Part 10~

The New Student - Jia HanyuWhere stories live. Discover now