The New Student : Part 4

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This story contains trigger warning, harm, sensitive content and a few bad words! If you are uncomfortable with my content please do not read!

None of this happened in reality and this story is not criticizing or labelling anyone, especially idols and names used. This is just a story I wrote from my imagination!


I widened my eyes when i saw the person.. the boy who is going to look after me.. standing right in front of me.. "it's you..?" I asked him. He looked at me and blinked. "Y/N? No wonder i thought I've seen this house before." He said. I nodded and smiled and walked to the side so he could come in.

"Come in Han Yu.." He came in and looked around the house. "This house is very big." He said still looking around. I nodded "yep." And I was going to walk upstairs but he grabbed my wrist, "So we've met yesterday, and now I'm going to look after you?" He said. I turned to look at him and shrugged "I guess." He nodded and got his stuff.

"Can you show me the way to my room?" I nodded and went upstairs with him walking behind me. I walked to the guest room and opened the door for him. "This will be your room. Live like you are living in your own house." I said as i smiled. He went in and bowed. "Thank you Y/n." I smiled and went to my room still can't believe that Han Yu, my classmate was going to look after me for a few weeks.

~Han Yu's POV~ I cannot believe what my eyes just saw. I will be looking after Y/n. I hope she's okay with it. I got hungry now so i walked to Y/n's room. "Uh hey? Is there anything to eat?" I asked. She looked at me and shook her head, "There is nothing done, perhaps we can cook?" I nodded and smiled "I'm a good cook" I said.

We both laughed a bit and went running downstairs to the kitchen. She got the things out and we started cooking some vegetables and chicken. She really knows how to cook.

Then we both sat on the table and started eating. "Why are you eating so fast?" I asked as i looked at her. She laughed a bit "I was always like that." I giggled.

After she showered i went to shower and i went to her room and sat next to her. "Can I ask you a question?" She looked at me and nodded, "Sure." I looked at her "Did you really get bullied before?" I asked. She looked at me with a sad expression "Yes.. how did you know..?" She asked. "Zi Hao told me.. Don't worry, I was like that too." I told her. "Yeah he told me." I looked at her, "And why were you being bullied?" I asked.

She sighed, "When i was younger, i was very shy and quiet, but that wasn't the real reason.. I'm supposed you never saw my parents.." she said. I shook my head " No.. but why? What about them?" I asked. "My parents are Korean, but I'm not.. i was getting bullied because.. I'm adopted.." she said.

~End of Part 4~

The New Student - Jia HanyuWhere stories live. Discover now