The New Student : Part 5

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This story contains trigger warning, harm, sensitive content and a few bad words! If you are uncomfortable with my content please do not read!

None of this happened in reality and this story is not criticizing or labelling anyone, especially idols and names used. This is just a story I wrote from my imagination!


"My parents are Korean, but I'm not.. i was getting bullied because.. I'm adopted.." she said. I widened my eyes and kept staring at her not believing what she had just said. She looked at me "it's stupid right..?" I shook my head "Not at all. It's normal. At least you got a family." She sighed "yeah.. but a family that aren't my real parents." She said.

I shrugged "They still love you although you're adopted." She nodded and looked at me. I smiled and poked her nose. "Cheer up. I'm here with you. You can count me as your older brother." I told her. She nodded and giggled "surreee." We kept on talking about some random stuff but then we both got tired so i went to my room and slept.

~The next morning~ I woke up with a good smell coming from downstairs. I went down stairs finding Y/n doing breakfast. "Why do you wake up so early? It's still 6:00am." I said. She looked at me and smiled. "Well good morning. I wanted to make breakfast for us soooo thats whyy." She said.

I giggled and shook my head. "Craziness." I said as i sat down by the table waiting for some delicious breakfast. As she served the food on the table, she sat down and started to eat fast just like yesterday. "Calm downn you eat so fast." I said as i laughed a bit. "Shh its normal to me." She told me. I began to eat and smiled to myself. She's cute.

~Y/n's pov~ When we both ate, i washed the dishes and did my morning routine. I wore my uniform and went downstairs waiting for Han Yu. When he finally got ready we both left for school. We both arrived and saw the 5 boys. As always Zi Hao came hugging and saying good morning. But then Zi Hao pulled Han Yu to the side.

~Han Yu's pov~ i was shocked by how Zi Hao pulled me away. "What's up?" I asked. "Why are you with Y/n and not that girl you're going to look after?" Zi Hao asked.  I looked at him. "Let me explain. I went to the address they gave me and when she opened the door, it was Y/n." Zi Hao gave me a deep stare then nodded. "Okay.." he said and then walked away back to Y/n. Wow..

~Y/n's pov~ i was there quiet until i saw Zi Hao and Han Yu coming back. The bell rang and we went in for our lessons. (Let's just pass the school thing cause it's boring) After school passed, me and Han Yu went back to my house and did some food. The day passed normally as well and it wasn't bothering me staying with Han Yu. I really don't mind living with him. And day by day.. I'm starting to have a bit of feelings.

~1 week passed~ My parents still haven't came back but at least Han Yu was still with me. Another day of school ugh. When we arrived at school, the 5 boys came saying that some hot new student came to our school and everyone is going crazy about her. I went in the classroom with Zi Hao and Han Yu as always.

The girl was there and a lot of boys were around her. I could see that Han Yu was trying to see who she was and how she looks. I went to my desk and sat normally. Zi Hao sat on his desk which is next to mine. But Han Yu stood there around the girl. I looked at him and glared a bit at that girl. She turned to him and started talking to him with ughk I can't even say it. I kept on looking at them talking until Zi Hao called my name.

"Y/n, ignore them." I looked at him and sighed "Yeah." I smiled a bit. Then the lessons passed and it was lunch time. Han Yu once again went next to that girl. Me and Zi Hao waited for him but he took forever and told us to go so we just went. The others all asked for Han Yu but Zi Hao told them everything.

After he finally came with a smile on his face, he sat and started to eat. "So, what's her name?" Xin Long asked him. "Seonghyun." Han Yu said still with the smile on his face. I didn't talk, I just kept quiet. Then the final boring lessons passed and school was ready. I was waiting for Han Yu outside.

He came with this Seonghyun girl. "Hey Y/n, can you go home alone for now, I'm going somewhere. I'll come back okay?" He said. Wow.. okay. I nodded and smiled a bit and turned and started walking to my direction. "Y/n wait!" I heard Zi Hao's voice. I turned to look at him. "I'll take you home, since he's busy with the new girl." He told me. I smiled and we both started walking.

We were talking about some random stuff but then the subject went about Han Yu. "So he looks after you huh?" Zi Hao asked. I nodded "yeah, It doesn't bother me though." We both giggled when we finally reached me house. "Zi Hao..? Can i tell you something and keep it a secret? Can i trust you?" He looked at me and nodded "Sure." I sighed a bit, "Zi Hao.. I think i......"

~End of Part 5~

The New Student - Jia HanyuWhere stories live. Discover now