1_group of boys

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"Tristan, we have a group of people that just arrived in the lobby" Tristan's walkie talkie spoke.

"a group? i thought it was just two people?" I speak

"yeah, it's a group and I heard they're a handful" Tristan laughs standing up from the couch

"I got this, I'm good with kids" I follow him, heading to the lobby

"I wouldn't exactly say they're kids"

"teenagers?" I tilt my head, and when we stop in the lobby I make a realization "this group of boys?"

Tristan chuckles and a guy with curly hair comes up to me "boys? I'd like you to know we're men!" he mocks with sarcasm

"Mhm" I take a glance at the boy oh, I mean man standing in front of me then to the other group of men. Some of them looking much older. "I don't do men" I state turning to Tristan. "Get Julia or Franklin to do it"

I was about to leave when Tristan blocked my only exit. I mean there's the front, but there's so many people that way.

"They're both busy with other people" he states ushering me to turn around

"Wow, so you're using me as your last option" I cross my arms

"Exactly, now turn around" he chuckles

"What the-?" I scoff

"I'm joking, I thought you would be a good fit with them. Try something else besides 16 and under" he reasons

"Fine, but they're boys to me"

"Tell them that" he smiles, grabbing my shoulders and turning me around then pushing me.

"Hey, I'm Tristan and this is y/n" Tristan walks up to one of them and shakes his hand.

"I'm Jon, talked over the phone" he states, taking his hand

"How about we get into one of the studio rooms, it's less crowded" Tristan suggests, and of course they accept. "y/n go!" he smacks me in the head because I simply turned around but didn't move.

"I was waiting for you to go!" I smack him back in the head and run to the studio I usually teach in, the fourth one at the end.

I patiently wait for them to come in. I'm in the middle of the large room that could fit at least 50 people, comfortably.

"Y/n, get the chairs" Tristan comes into the room, followed by the others.

"get the chairs" I mock with sass in my voice "why can't you?"

All Tristan did was walk over to me and I quickly let out a laugh and back away.

"Okay, I'll get the chairs" I raise my hands in surrender

"That's what I thought" Tristan says, going back to the group "sorry about her, she can be a lot at times"

"What the? What the hell is that supposed to mean?" I mumble to myself from over hearing Tristan.

I go to the back of the room, and opening the small closet. I pull out eight chairs. Obviously not entirely by myself, but whatever the foldable chairs are on. I wheel that out and make sure to close the closet door after.

I take a glance at Tristan then back at the large object with wheels, that's already carrying eight chairs. I look back at Tristan then back to the chairs.

"I'm sure I can ride on this" I speak to myself, putting my right foot on "seems stable"

"Y/N! No!" Tristan scolds

"Why not!?" I whine, taking my right foot down

"Because we both know what happened last time!" He says in a loud presenter voice, so I'm able to hear him.

"Fine" I speak to myself, and walk the chairs over "I just wanted to have some fun"

Once I walk over each of them grab a chair.

"Do you want my chair?" the curly haired boy kindly offered

"no thank you" I smile, sitting down on the wood floor.

"Okay, let's introduce ourselves" Tristan speaks

"weirdo" I mumble

"What was that?" Tristan says, looking straight at me

"I called you a weirdo!" I smile and the room let's out a few laughs. Tristan stands up, causing me to instantly stand up and go behind the closest person to me. Which doesn't help because they're seated.

"Y/n, you're lucky we have people watching" Tristan points at me and sits back down in his chair

"thank you people watching" I smile and sit down, this time between two chairs.

"Y/n since your so lively today, go first" Tristan suggests, or commands nicely

"Why? I don't see the point. We're just going to dance for a few hours" I shrug

"Oh, you haven't told her" Jon speaks

"I was going to wait until after, to see what she thought of it all" Tristan answers

"Yay! I love secrets, tell me" I smile adjusting my posture

"I said after" Tristan repeats

"Fine, I didn't care anyways" I shrug and a bit later I turn to the person next to me "pssst, what's the secret?"

All I got was a small laugh from him.

"I'm Tristan, the manager of y/n. Although I can't manage her at times, I promise she's not always annoying" he smirks

"Boo! Fire her" I joke

"I just might" he smiles, and some snickering from the room sounds.

"You wouldn't." I glare

"No, go now" he states "and no more red bull"

"How'd you know? You know what I don't want to know" I pause "okay, I'm y/n. And I can dance" I laugh

"Better than that"

I guess you can tell who that was.


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