22_thats a wrap

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With a last bow from each of them. The crowd roaring with cheers and screams. They come back from the stage.

Jon came into the room where the five boys have just entered. He gave them a group hug and soon a few other staff members joined. Including me.

"Have you decided?" Jonah asks me once a few people walk away and get into their own conversation. I simply shake my head no "it's alright, tell me when you do because w-we made a bet off it"

"A bet?" I question, thanks for more pressure.

"Yeah, don't worry about it though. I probably shouldn't have said anything" Jonah asks walking away

"Wait, you can't just say you made a bet on it. Can I at least know what happens? Or like which side effects which?" I catch up to him and ask

"No, this is your own decision. Forget what I said, I honestly don't know what I was thinking" he says and continues walking

"Okay, but it seems like a big deal. My decision won't effect anything, right?" I question. Who am I kidding? They made a bet on it, of course it will!

"Just, just don't worry about it" he stops and turns to me "it's nothing to stress about, really" he assures. I let out a sigh before I nod understanding. Letting him turn away from me and walk into another room.

Meanwhile I go the opposite way. Into my thoughts once again. A bet? On if I'm going on summer tour. What happens if I say yes? I have no clue. What happens if I say no? Also, no clue. But what do I know now.

I had a great time on tour. Got to know some frickin awesome dudes. To travel the world, free might I add. Actually, technically I got payed. To do what I love, dance. Plus a bit of backstage help.

I want to get back into the studio. The ones I'm comfortable in. Especially the one where I can teach young children. The one where I am very much welcomed and surrounded by familiar people.

Plus, my sister is coming in July. I don't know for how long but it's summer. She has no school. I will have events. I always do in summer. Just usually in June.

It was a fun month. But I think I know my answer.


"I'm almost finished packing" I scratch the back of my neck and turn to the desk. Where I have my phone, and on there Sydney on facetime.

"You just started, didn't you?" She asks, well more like states.

"Yeahh" I laugh nervously

"What time is it? And when do you have you flight?" Sydney asks

"It's 5am here, and um 2 hours" I laugh "I have time, 2 hours to pack" I wave my hand as if it's no problem. I spin around the room, to see my almost empty luggage on my bed. Clothes in a small basket. In my mind I know there's some in the bathroom and yeah, under the desk. I once again look at Syd through the phone.

"Get packing!" Sydney laughs "did you do laundry?"

"No, someone else did but don't worry. I thanked them" I laugh and grab the small basket of clean folded clothes. I start to put them in my suitcase, until here a knock "what the-?! It's 5am"

I walk over to the door greeted by Daniel "hey, can I come in?" He asks, it's obvious he hasn't slept from his voice and his eyes.

"Yeah sure, what's up?" I ask stepping aside and he walks in then closing the door behind him. He sits at the desk noticing my mess on the bed and Syd on the phone. They say hello to each other and I continue to put clothes in my luggage.

"Hey y/n" Syd says

"Yes?" I ask and turn to her

"I'm going to go to class, but I'll call you later" she says and I nod my head "bye, love you"

"Love you, bye bye" I wave. The phone hangs up and Daniel turns to me. "What's up with you?" I ask "something on your mind?" I ask and continue to pack.

"Yeah, I can't sleep" he laughs "um but I just wanted to know, did you-"

"Yeah, I know my answer to summer tour" I answer his question already knowing what it was and what he's going to say next "but I'm telling Jonah first, something about a bet" I shrug and take the basket to the bathroom.

"Wait, he told you?" He asks following me

"Yeah, said something about a bet about the question. Not sure what about though" I toss my clothes in the basket "wait, you know what it is don't you?" I ask standing up and walking towards him.

"Y-Yeah, I'm kinda a part of it" he says scratching the back of his neck

"So what is it?" I ask tilting my head

"It depends on your answer"

"I-I'm not going, but I'll get a ticket to the first concert?" I offer

He gulps before speaking "that would be cool, about the ticket" he says "technically you're going" he says but it didn't sound like he was talking to me "before I give you an answer, I'm going to talk to Jonah about the fine details"

"Mhm, must be something important then" I say and turn around grabbing the basket then back to the bed. Separating the clothes in a grocery bag and then putting it in my suitcase.

"I have a question though" he says and sits on the chair at the desk. I look at him giving my attention "why aren't you going?"

"I just, I have some stuff to do in July and I'm not going to miss it" I shrug "I don't know when this summer tour is, so yeah"

"What stuff?" Like dance related?"

"Well yes and no" I say "there's some personal stuff to"

"What kind of um personal stuff?" He asks "if you're okay with sharing" he adds

I think taking a gulp and figuring out what I'm going to say "an anniversary" I practically whisper

"Oh" he says "I thought you weren't dating anyone" he says by his body language he was nervous or shocked?

"I'm not" I say "it's for my parents"

"Ohh, how many years?"

"One" I say without any eye contact, the only contact on my eyes was the tears that slowly began to fall.

"Woah, what's wrong?" He asks softly standing up

"it's going to be one year" I say in one breath which caused me to cry even more. Daniel comforts me in a hug, rubbing my back slowly. "one year without them" I whisper and I know he heard it because he froze then changed his grip on me.

"I'm so sorry, I'm sorry for your lost" he says and comforts me in a tight hug.

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