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Sorry that I am not sorry for not posting when I said I will update. For reason that It seems none of you are Unfollowing me here on Wattpad.

I Do Not Own the Story Nor Did I Translate It.


Execution By Dismemberment

Zhang Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, if the old Emperor was in this state, he was reassured. At least he did not feel emotional after seeing this mother and son pair or felt pity towards his son and softened his heart. If it was like that, the work put in by the Ninth Prince was going to be wasted.

The good thing was the hatred the Emperor felt for these two people surpassed everything else, what kinship, what love, under this huge amount of hatred, there was no need to talk about these. He heard the Emperor say: “With them being locked in here and suffering, they must be very lonely as well. Xiao Yuan Zhi, tell Our other sons and those concubines in the harem, ask them to line up here and visit. If this grand scene is not shown to others, then the effort of Ming-er and Ah-Heng will go to waste.” After saying this, he glanced at Liu Shi, speaking with loathing: “When everyone has visited, send this woman to the execution grounds, We bestow her with execution by dismemberment.”

With this sentence delivering the execution order, Liu Shi was almost frightened to death. Death by dismemberment! In the past, regardless of how grave a sin the concubines and noble ladies committed, they would only be given a death by hanging or a cup of poisonous wine, or for those who were not obedient at all, strong Eunuchs would strangle them to death directly, no one had ever been given death by dismemberment. In reality, not just the concubines, even in the law of Da Shun, though execution of dismemberment did exist, not many people were given this punishment.

Execution by dismemberment was also known as cutting the meat away from the bone. It was said to be a specific process, a living person would be tightly tied up completely, then the executioner would use a brightly polished blade to cut off their flesh piece by piece until they die. The ones who were executed by dismemberment have already committed very serious crimes, and the law-executor felt that dying was not enough to pay for their crimes, so they would use this method to punish them. This was still not the point, the scariest part about execution by dismemberment was that during the process of the execution, the convict could not die. From the first cut, they needed to experience all one thousand cuts and could only die after the last cut.

Once Liu Shi thought about these, she wanted to hit herself against the wall, but the wardens stopped her. The Emperor commanded: “If she dies before that, none of you will be allowed to live.”

Finally, after seeing everything he came to see, the palace staff carried the Emperor out from the death row prison. On the way to Zhao He Hall, the Emperor told Zhang Yuan: “They said that kinship does not exist in the imperial family, We did not believe this in the past, and always thought to treat these sons well so they will not be disappointed. But We know now, the imperial family really does not have any kinship! You treat them well, but that does not meant that they will treat you well, you treat them as a son, but they do not treat you as a father. For the sake of a throne, they can harm Us to this extent. For this kind of son, what is the use of Us keeping them?”

Zhang Yuan quickly advised him: “Your Majesty, please calm your anger, not all the princes are like this! That third son in the past did not count.”

“Yeah.” The Emperor nodded, “It’s still alright to think like this, as least the other brats are still good.” He might have said this, but he was still unhappy and listless. He even felt irritated at the sun shining over his head. Even if there were palace staff holding an umbrella over him, he also felt that the sunlight could shine on him through the umbrella, making him raise his hand to cover his forehead, rushing the servants: “Walk faster, We do not wish to bask under the sunlight.”

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