(AU School Days)

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Dianne could hear the kids chatter as she walked down the overcrowded corridor, backpacks whacking into her as the younger years ran towards the canteen.
She was looking for her best friend Amy or the group of friends she hung out with when she wasn't in lessons. Dianne didn't have to wait long though as she heard the distinctive Welsh voice of Amy calling her from where she was stood near the math block, so she sped up trying to get away from the Year 7's who were yelling out the lyrics of a song she hated.

"Amyyyy," Dianne called as she got closer to her, giving a side hug when in reaching distance.
"Di! How was English" Amy said as she reciprocated the hug.
"Bloody awful, there's way too much to learn," she groaned as they started to walk to one of the free benches where they saw the rest of their friends sat to eat their lunch. "Why do you have to be so smart Ames? We're in like no classes together"
"Awh buzz, we're not that far away from the end of term anyway, at least we have PE together" Amy consoled, trying to keep the mood light hearted as she took out her lunch from her bag, sighing happily when she realised she had her favourite sandwich.
"Hmm I guess so, hey are we still meeting up this Saturday?" Dianne asked, wanting to keep her tradition with her friend of wondering around town for no reason.
"Yeah I want to babes, it just depends on how much homework we have, you know what they're like it's like we don't have a life outside of here." Amy groaned already thinking about how much homework she had to do.
"True" Dianne replied, "We could always go to the library but I'd rather not." Reasoned Dianne wanting to avoid another weekend inside. "I'm so bored already, can we go find the boys? I need to move around"
"Sure Di, just let me pack this away" Amy said, seeing Dianne couldn't stop moving around. "I want to get up anyway," feeling the effects of being forced to sit down for most of the day.
"Thanks Amy, I think they're playing football on the courts." Dianne said jumping up, ready to go again after grabbing her heavy backpack.

The two girls walked towards the courts, both having too much energy to sit down. On their way to find their boyfriends, Joe wasn't really a big football fan but hing around their because everyone did whereas Ben did actually enjoy the sport. Dianne and Amy didn't watch the sport but liked getting stuck in and weren't too bad at it either. With it being one of the main sports played they couldn't really get away from it.

As they approached the boys in the corner they got a few weird looks from the younger years, it wasn't too normal for girls in this school to play football, but Dianne and Amy didn't care too much they just wanted to play the sport and see their friends. Seeing them come, Joe and Ben exuded themselves from the game to greet them. They enjoyed them playing with them as they could be around both their friends and their girlfriends. After saying their hellos, Joe received the ball and turned and shot, it going into the 'goal that was made out of backpacks. He turned and looked at Dianne with a smug look on his face, wanting praise from her but instead he was met with a blank look and the words "I can do that".
"Sure you can Di, show me," Joe replied pretending to watch but instead going to block the shot as she kicked it with the intention of stopping her from scoring but instead it bounced of his foot and onto her face.

"Oh my God, Dianne, I'm so sorry," Joe said after Dianne screeched, hands flying to her face. This caught Amy's attention as she walked towards her friend who hadn't moved since she was hit.
"Di, Dianne, are you okay? Can you move your hands?" Amy joined in, concerned. In response to this, Dianne groaned but moved her hands slightly, just enough to see if any damage had been done before replacing them again.
"I think I'm okay" is what her friends thought she said as her voice was muffled by her hands. Removing them once again she looked at Joe and Amy, wiping the tears that had involuntarily collected in her eyes.
"I'm so sorry" repeated Joe, clearly distressed after hurting his girlfriend. "Sorry, I really didn't mean to, I'm really sorry," he continued not noticing Dianne giggling with Amy.
"Please don't hate me, I genuinely didn't mean to." "Joe! Listen to me! It's fine, I just didn't expect it," Dianne interrupted as she hugged him, he seemed to be more upset then herself.
Smiling when Joe naturally started rubbing her back with just his thumb, something he seemed to do without realising.
"I'm sorry" he whispered in her ear, wanted her to know he didn't mean to hurt her,.
"Stop apologising Jospeh, I already said it was ok" Dianne answered "Now let's play, I've still got to show you how it's done."

876 words? I'm not sure if that's good or bad but I prefere to read long oneshots. I'd appreciate any feedback as I've literally never written anything like this.
Also feel free to ask any questions, I figured I call things different to most people.

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