Baby Fever

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It was time to film the Christmas Special which Joe felt honoured to take part in partnered with Dianne, even if she did prank him at first.

They had just done their first rehearsal on the Elstree floor and once Dianne had lectured Joe on his mistakes, they were sat watching the other couples do their dance.

Kevin and Debbie were currently running through their dance and Dianne was getting restless, so she decided to go for a walk down the corridor to see who she could find. As she came towards the end of a hall, she was just about to turn around and go back to sit down as she found no one to talk to, she heard Gemma's soft voice.

Turning the corridor, she turned to see Gemma playing with her newborn girl, Mia. Diannes heart melted, she loved kids and always wanted a family.

"Hi Gem, you doing alright?" Dianne asked, seeing she looked so pretty but also exhausted.

"I'm good Dianne, just tired, the typical mum life, "How's you, how was you're routine?" Gemma asked.

"It was okay, just a few dodgy bits, the usual first floor run problems," Dianne responded whilst making goofy faces at Mia, getting a smile out of the baby. "I can't deal with how cute she is!" She squealed

"Say that when she's screaming at you at 3am" Gemma laughed "But yeah she just has to look at me and I melt."

"How many times does she wake up during the night now?" Dianne wondered.

"Depends, can be up to three times or she can sleep all the way through. Gorka is good about it though, he does his share of night calls," She replied,  smiling as Mia giggled at Dianne.

"How's your dance going Gem?" She asked, looking at the new mother with a huge smile on her face.

Gemma looked down a second before answering, "It's going alright, of course we have the bloody jive after I've given birth, but I'm still enjoying it so it's ok."

"I saw your rehearsal earlier it looked so good!" Dianne reassured, whilst picking up Mia after she gestured and made sure it was okay.

"Thanks Dianne, I" Gemma started but was cut off by a knock at the door, the caller asking for her to go to costumes.
She looked up in panic as Gorka wasn't back yet either, but Dianne sensed this and put her hand on Gemma's shoulder.
"I'll watch her if you want, I'm not needed for an hour yet," she suggested, seeing the hesitation, she added, "I'll be happy Gemma, Gorka won't be too long anyway."

"Alright, ummmm, she has a bottle in the bag and err actually everything is in there basically," Gemma stuttered.

"We'll be fine Gem, go on, I've looked after so many kids," Dianne encouraged, already playing with Mia as Gemma walked off, looking over he shoulder.

A few minutes later, Gorka walked into the room smiling as Mia looked up and giggled at him.

"Hiya baby!" Gorka said taking his child into his arms, "Thank you so much Dianne, Gem told me what was going on."

"Not a problem Gorks! We had fun did we little Mia!" Dianne said in a high pitched voice whilst tickling Mia's tummy, giggling with the baby. "I'll be off, bye Gorks and bye bye little cutie."


It was later in the day, and rehearsals were still going ahead, Joe and Dianne we're sat watching Chizzy and Graziano run their number. Well, Joe was watching the dance, Dianne was staring into space deep in thought. She was bought out her haze when Joe started clapping, making her jump sitting up straight of Joe's shoulder.

"Woah, you alright Di?" Joe asked, resting his hand on her knee seeing her startled face.

"Uh huh yeah," she waved him off, getting comfy on her chair again. "I was just thinking about earlier," Dianne explained having already squealed to Joe about how cute Mia was for about 30 minutes earlier.

"What about it Dot?" Joe queried, wondering why she had a sudden change in mood.

"Hmmm," Dianne wondered how to put it, but found no better way to put it so she said "I want a little baby Joey," bluntly.

Joe was a little taken back by this statement, but knew it was going to come up sometime. "Okay... but are we both ready?" He reasoned, bringing a reality check into the conversation.
He didn't get much of a response apart from a sigh which made him bring his love in for a hug, resting his chin on top of her head. They stayed like this for a few minutes until Dianne broke the silence.

"You're right Joseph, I just held little Mia and melted, I'm not quite finished with dancing yet anyway." She explained. Joe just kissed her forehead lightly, not saying anything as he sensed she wasn't finished yet.
"Just soon though ok? I've always wanted a family." Dianne made sure he knew her intentions.

Joe responded with a hum and said, "You'll be the most amazing mum ever, I can see it." He finished the sentence by placing a soft kiss on her lips, his hovering over hers for a longer time than needed. This was interrupted with Dianne jumping up from her seat clapping her hands together.

"Right my Joseph, enough of the soppyness, let's dance!" She exclaimed, skipping onto the floor. Joe sat back astounded once more, shocked by how quickly her moods change. Ignoring it, he chuckled, shaking his head whilst standing up.

"Coming my love," he replied, walking over to where they originally found their love, the dancefloor.


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