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It was coming up to the 2nd week on the strictly tour, with all the strictly pros and celebrities on the coach to the hotel.
Dianne was sat by herself with Amy behind her, listening to Stacey and Mike doing karaoke at the back of the bus. She would usually join in but today she was feeling off, her energy levels were definitely lower than usual which was worrying her as there was a double day show tomorrow.
Amy and the others pros noticed Dianne wasn't her usual self but put it down to her being tired which made sense as Dianne fidgited around trying to get comfy in hope for a few minutes of sleep.
However, this wasn't the case as after a few minutes of wriggling around with no result of becoming comfy she let out a loud sigh and proceeded to find something interesting on her phone instead. This also ended up in a loud sigh as it seemed nothing could intrigue her on this long journey.
Dianne looked around the rest of the coach to see if there was anyone to talk to but they all seemed asleep or busy, the only ones who were interacting were playing karaoke which she didn't really have the energy for, something she thought she would never say.
Consequently, Dianne decided to just watch out of the window, thinking about new tiktoks she could do next.

Half an hour later, Neil woke up from his light sleep from a particularly hard bump on the road. Whilst stretching, he looked around the bus, noticing it was quieter than usual. Glancing behind him, he caught sight of Dianne looking lost and bored.
"Hey di, you alright?" Neil asked but got no answer. "Di, Dianne," he said waving his hand in front of her face.
"Huh?" Dianne answered.
"Are you ok?" He asked again.
"Uh huh," she replied, not even convincingly as she knew Neil was able to read straight through her, he was kind of like her big brother as her kept an eye out on her since she moved from Australia.
"Hmmmm" he said not believing her, deciding to come and sit next to her. Dianne leant her head on his shoulder as soon as he hot comfy, his arm instinctively came round her shoulders giving her time to speak instead of rushing her.
"I dunno really," she mumbled, " I dont know how I feel, I'm just a bit flat."
Neil understood what she meant, doing the same routines over and over again with the multiple journeys in between sometimes took it out of you. He considered his words for a second before replying. " Have you spoken to Joe recently? Maybe that will help."
"I did for a short time but he's had meetings all day," she replied, still mumbling into his shoulder, now feeling the effects of her tiredness kick in as she yawned.
"You can go to sleep di, I'll stay here," Neil encouraged noticing the dark bags under her eyes, rubbing comforting circles on her shoulder hoping it would provide reassurance.
"Hmmm," Dianne muttered not even bothering to answer coherently as the tiredness overwhelmed her body.
As she slipped into a much needed sleep, Neil took out his phone with a plan to text Joe with how Dianne was feeling not trusting Dianne to own up to her feelings herself. Once he got a response he fell back into sleep again as they had a while till they got to their hotel.

Later, Dianne and Neil felt themselves being shaken and shouted awake, being told they were at the hotel and everyone was getting of the bus. Dianne felt a bit lighter having gotten her much needed sleep but still had that unknown weight holding her down. Once getting her key card she went straight to her room, wanting to go back to sleep.
As soon as she reached her room she abandoned he case and laid down in the bed as the tired overcame her once more. However her short sleep was interrupted once more with her phone ringing but she decided to ignore, lacking the energy to get up. When it rang for the second time, she got up with a loud groan, "Hello?" She answered.
"Dianne? Sweetheart? Are you there?" Joe called, wondering if the connection was bad or she wasn't speaking.
"Hmph." Dianne collapsed back on the bed, though she couldn't help but feel happy again talking to one of her favourite people. "Joey? I miss you."
"It's not long till I see you now Dotty, we'll be together soon. What are you doing?" Joe asked, wanting to hear his girlfriends voice after a busy work day.
"I'm just laying in bed, we just arrived at the hotel."
"Did I wake you up?" Joe wondered hearing the drowsiness in her voice, "I'll let you go if you want to sleep."
"Nooo I've been waiting to talk to you all day," Dianne complained, not wanting to hang up yet.
"Alright love, talk to me then, how about you tell me about your routines?" Joe compsenated.
"Okay Joseph" and with that encouragement she was telling Joe about the best and worst bit of each routine. It had gotten to the point where Dianne was yawning every few minutes, Joe knew she needed to her rest due to her very busy schedule on tour.
"My love? I can tell you're tired, how about we talk about this tomorrow so you can get some rest?" Joe suggested.
"Hmmm, promise Joseph?" Dianne double checked as another yawn came making it clearly apparent that she was exhausted.
"I promise Dot. You go out there tomorrow and show how good you are ok?" Joe said, giving his words of encouragement now as she had an early morning ahead of her.
"Okay Joey," Dianne replied already making herself comfortable in the cold and rather large hotel bed, "I love you," she finished off with always wanting to show her love for him.
"Love you too darling, sleep well okay? You need it for tomorrow." Joe said quietly already sensing Dianne falling asleep.
"Hmm" she answered falling into a deep sleep. With that Joe hung up the phone with a smile on his face knowing that his love was safe and ok even if it wasn't next to him like he'd wish, falling asleep happy.

AN- My second attempt at a oneshot? Was it okay? Any feedback I would appreciate :)

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