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Being her 4th season on Striclty, Dianne was desperate to get her hands on the glitter ball. She had come closest with Joe, being runners up, and after her shock exit with Dev last season, she was even more ambitious to win than before.

Luckily, the celeb she was paired with, Louis, had good potential. But Dianne wasnt letting him have an easy ride because she knew Dev had great potential last year that he didnt get to fully demonstrate.

Her partner also wasn't the nicest, there had been rumours before strictly of him abusing his girlfriend but he never confirmed anything, hence why he was allowed on the show. However, Dianne feared that if she mentioned the rough handling or the verbal abuse then he would be removed from the show, meaning her chances of getting her hands on the glitterbally would be diminished.

She knew this was not the best idea, but she knew that she probably wouldn't get another good partner for the fourth year running. She would probably be partnered with an old guy or someone who had no coordinator because she knew she had been quite lucky with her partners so far. Dianne also realised she wanted to start a family before it was too late, so she potentially didnt have that many seasons to go.

All of these thoughts were working overtime, circling around in her crowded brain as she put some more cream on a more recent Louis-inflicted bruise. She thought that Joe was currently asleep, his demanding schedule allowing him a lie in for once.

She was incorrect as a voice made her jump, the lid for cream jumping off her lap onto the floor.
Dianne turned around with her hand on her heart, clearly shocked as her erratic breathing implied.

"Woah, sorry I scared you my love," Joe was quick to say whilst walking towards her, he leant over the back of the sofa and pressed a kiss on her lips,"Good morning."

"You scared me Joesph," Dianne exclaimed, as she punched him arm, still trying to calm her speedy heartbeat. "But good morning to you too," she replied back, "What are you doing to this early? I thought you were going to have a lie in?" Dianne questioned.

"I couldn't sleep any longer so I thought I'd come say bye to you," he reasoned, putting some bread in the toaster.

"Alright then Joey, I leave in like 15 mins for rehearsal with Louis," she said, checking the time on her phone.

"Ok, what dance have you got this week?" Joe asked, it was only Monday so he wasn't sure yet. He wanted to see if the dance had any relation to the big bruises he had seen accumulate over her body the past few weeks. The last week they had the jive so they could've explained some bruises.

"The American smooth," Dianne replied, "We have a few backup dancers, Neil's one cos of his injury earlier." The male dancer had re-injured his leg that had bothered him the previous season, so he was allowed to be a back up dancer to get home dancing more after a successful season with Alex Scott.

"Where did those bruises come from Dot?" Joe decided to bite the bullet and ask he straight out, time was running out before she left.

This question clearly caught Dianne offguard, she had actually forgotten she was putting on the cream after her shock, and she quickly had to think of an excuse. "I've just been more clumsy than usual," she nervously laughed, trying to move the conversation on, "What are you doing today Joseph?" She asked.

"Hmm.. ok," Joe contemplated for a second, thinking he would ask again later. "I just have a few meetings and I need I film a video for later," He finished.

"Productive Joey, my car is nearly here so I'm going to go down," Dianne explained whilst walking towards her boyfriend, grabbing her bag on the way.

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