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"You can stop staring Joseph," Dianne smirked from where she was comfortably sat, opposite the one she accused.

"Sorry Dot, I just can't help it, you're like a superwoman," Joe tore his eyesight away from Dianne's stomach, now looking into her big hazel eyes, pouting.

You see, Dianne was 3 months pregnant with their first child. It came across as a shock, not planned, but they happily accepted it. Joe and Dianne had always planned to have a family later on, but they welcomed it with open arms.

When she heard Joe's reply, she smirked, but felt that warm feeling in her stomach and heart grow. "You're soppy Suggy." He didn't reply, but his face did for him. His ears and cheeks flushed red, and his eyes creased in the corners.

"You're cute Joey," Dianne kissed his cheek, before getting up to go to the sink to get some sparkling water, the coffee ban during pregnancy hitting her hard. She had previously had a coffee every morning before getting pregnant, and going without it had made her days longer, always craving the taste of her beloved coffee.

"Do you want a drink Joseph?" Dianne asked, looking vaguely in his direction, though she had already guessed his answer.

"No thanks Dot, come sit and rest up yeah?" Was the reply Dianne had already expected to get, Joe had produced an even more protective side since she had gotten pregnant. He didn't allow her to do simple tasks anymore like cleaning, or even getting him a drink. Joe claimed that she needed to rest as much as possible, as she was still dancing but only in the group dances.

Dianne did as she was told, and came and sat next to Joe sipping on her sparkling water. When she offered him some, he pulled a disgusted face to indicate his answer, "I dont know how you drink that Dot, its rank."

"Noo it's amazing Joseph," Dianne replied to his statement, deciding to down the rest of her glass but instead choked and spluttered it everywhere. This resulted in Joe turning overprotective once again, jumping up from his position to pat her on the back and get her a new glass of water.

"Jesus Dot! Be careful!" Joe exclaimed softly, but only got a giggle in reply. He sighed but it soon turned into a smirk when Dianne started complaining about being wet, as he got her some paper towels.

"There ya go ya weirdo," he said in a Yorkshire accent as he threw the towels at her, successfully hitting the back of her head.

"Thanks Joey, hey what time is it?" She asked as she wiped herself down, not bothered to find her phone tight now.

"Its quarter past 9, your car doesnt pick you up for half an hour yet," Joe responded as he placed her paper towels in the bin, still not allowing her to over-exert herself.

"Okay, I have everything already to go though," Dianne reassured herself really, following Joe's every movement from her comfy spot in the sofa.

"And by that you mean you havent taken anything out from the last time you used it, you just hope everything you need is gonna be in there yeah?" Joe corrected her, giving her a 'don't deny it's look from his spot in the kitchen. Expect she didnt try and deny it, instead she just let out a high pitched whine knowing be was right, but she wasnt going to admit it anytime soon.

"You, my love, give me stress!" Joe said, bopping Dianne on her nose, then replacing it with his lips, placing a gently kiss where his finger was then moved down to her pouted lips kissing them aswell. After this he plopped down onto the sofa, combing his hand through her vibrant red locks as she was yet to put it in her messy bun, her preferred hairstyle when dancing or working out.

"Do you have a scrunchie or a hair band Dot?'" Joe checked, knowing she hated having hair in her face during rehearsals.

"Hmmmm.." Dianne thought before coming to the relaible conclusion of, "There should be one in my bag."

Joe chuckled as her answer, thinking this is why you need to pack you bag, but bit his tongue to not annoy her. "There's one on the kitchen table, grab it before you go yeah?" He confirmed for her, his dependable side coming out for show.

"Thanks Joseph," Dianne mumbled, patting his face in a thankful gesture that ended up being dangerous, as he avoided the finger that directly going for his eye. He pretended to bite her finger instead which inflicted another whine from his girlfriend, so to make up for it he placed yet another kiss on her fingers.

"What are you rehearsing today then me lover?" Joe bought out his Yorkshire accent again, smiling slightly when he heard one of his favourite noises, his red headed buddies giggles.

"Its a slow number, ballroom, dedicated to someone but I've forgotten who," Dianne slowly explained, her words slightly mumbled as they were refusing to come out of her brain. "Oh! And I'm having lunch with Ames, cos she wants to discuss baby shower details with me." She continued.

Amy had taken it upon herself to organise Joe and Dianne's baby shower, needing something to occupy herslef for the season having been unfortunately knocked out of the competition early, her partners uncoordinated not getting them very far. However, she loved organising, so she basically volunteered herself for the job.

"Is she still up for that? I'd be more then happy to do some of it if she doesnt want to," Joe asked, he worried that he should be doing more, but didnt realise how much Amy was enjoying herself.

"She said you can do whatever you want, but shes enjoying herslef and told me not to worry, and besides, I was useless when i did try and help." Dianne reasoned with him.

"Ok then, I'll leave her to it, i wouldnt know where to start anyway. I.." Joe started but was interrupted by a notification on Dianne's phone.

"They're always early or late, theres never an in between," Dianne complained, Joe read between the lines and figured out that her car was here as they both got up and walked towards the door. He grabbed the scrunchie on the kitchen table that she forgot to take and followed her.

"Here you go," Joe put the scrunchie around her wrist.

"Oh yeah, thanks Joseph," Dianne chuckled, going in to kiss his cheek but got grabbed on the waist by him, pulling him in for a proper kiss and cuddle.

"Have a good rehearsal yeah? Text me on your way back okay? Love you lots, have a good day," Joe lovingly said.

"Love you too my Joey, have a good day as well," Dianne returned the kiss and turned and left, leaving the door open as Joe stood there, and blew her a kiss.

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