Too Much

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It was early in the morning, to Dianne's delight, and she was walking up the stairs to say goodbye to her boyfriend before she left for pro rehearsals.

"Hey Joey, I'm off now," she whispered whilst kissing the small patch of his forehead that was showing through the covers. The only reply she got was a kiss that Joe blew in the wrong direction, not recognising what was going on.
"Bye," she closed the door quietly, bolting down the stairs as she got a text saying her car was ready downstairs, grabbing her bag on the way.


"Hello!" Dianne called walking into the rehearsal room, getting a chorus of replies back. She sat down and started changing from her trainers to her dance shoes next to Katya, discussing the dance they were just about to do over and over.

After a few times going through the dance, the pros were back sitting down getting a drink. This time Dianne was sat by herself, a hazy feeling taking over her mind. She was starting to feel a bit unwell, but it had only hit her now as she was feeling perfectly fine this morning. Sipping from her drink, she watched everyone around her. Everyone seemed happy talking to people, or distracted by their phones. Dianne would've done the same but the bright light was hurting her eyes, making her headache increase and adding a constant dizziness to her throbbing head.

She searched through her overpacked bag in hope to find some tablets to take away the pain, but only came across an empty packet to which she let out a loud, irritated sigh.

As she was just about to go and ask around to see if anyone had any painkillers they were called back to the floor, Dianne glanced over at the clock in the corner, noticing they only had about an hour left, so she told herself to take it one dance at a time and it would soon be over.

Or at least this was her motivation for about 20 minutes, as now time seemed to be going so slowly, her head pulsating in time with the continuous ticking from the clock.

It had reached a part where they were walking through the steps of a new dance, and they were at a bit where the pro girls spun around the floor towards the the pro boys. Dianne hated this part as it added to her whirling mind further but didnt have much choice but to carry on as they were mid number.


"Woah, Di, you're alright, I got you," AJ said helping down gently on to the floor, but Dianne didn't register what he said as she was trying to decrease the spinning that had taken over her whole body.
Dianne put her hand to her head and groaned, embarrassed that she had nearly fainted in front of everyone.

"Here Di," Janette said, passing her bottle, "Can you sit up?" She asked, pulling her hands to help her sit up as Neil sat behind her just in case as she began to gulp her water.

"I'm alright, I'm alright," Dianne tried to convince the rest as she went to shakily stand up, but was held back down.

"No, clearly not, you nearly fainted , stay down for a bit longer," a voice she didn't recognise said as she placed her head back into her trembling hands and groaned once more.

"I called Joe," Oti called walking back into the rehearsal room a few minutes later, eyeing Dianne up and down as she was helped up from the ground by the surrounding pros. She was still unsteady on her feet so she was helped over to a chair.

"Urgh Oti, thank you though," Dianne said, looking gratefully towards her friend who was still looking at her concerned, so she sent a weak smile towards her.

As the pros went back to rehearse, Dianne stayed sat down, not trusting her legs to hold her own weight. But she was starting to feel a bit less dizzy and had more control over her body when Joe walked in.

He was obviously concerned, walking straight over to Dianne and kissed her forehead, gauging if she had a  temperature or not by how hot it was. He also walked in with her coat, a sick bag and another bottle of water which made Dianne's heart melt even more for him and demonstrated how much he cared.

They both waited until they had finished the group number to say goodbye to everyone, and also to help Dianne feel as if she had more power in her body.

Once they said goodbye to everyone, they were walking towards their car, Joe supporting Dianne incase her body gave out again, but she was able to make it to the car by herself.

"Come on then Dotty," Joe encouraged as they climbed out of the car and started walking to their flat. "You'll be in bed in no time." Dianne didn't respond, but instead leant her head onto Joe's shoulder realising how tired she was.


One long nap later, Dianne was sat up in bed eating some plain toast that Joe insisted she ate. She was now feeling slightly better, thinking this was a 24 hour problem, or that she was dehydrated because Joe had basically gave her cup after cup of water to drink.

"Is there anything else I can get you my love?" Joe asked for maybe the 100th time since she woke up, paranoid that he wasn't doing enough when in reality he had done everything he could.

Dianne refrained from kissing him and passing on her germs incase she was contagious, but squeezed his hand instead, "No Joey, you've been amazing." She kissed his hand lightly, "You're the best."
Joe replied to this by singing the song 'Simply the Best' which got a eye roll and a chuckle out of his amused girlfriend who leant further into the cushions, "You're something else Joe Sugg, I dont know what but you're something else."

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