Dinner at the Hollands| T.H

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"Tom! We are going to be late! Hurry up!" you yell at your boyfriend for being so slow. You are supposed to be at his parents flat for dinner in ten minutes.

"I have to do my hair!" Tom screams from the bathroom. He knows that you are stressed about seeing his parents again, even tho they love her and she loves them.

"I don't care! Let's go! you yell and go start the car. You turn the radio up as it plays your favorite song, Shut Up And Dance
Tom walks in the car, his perfect-brown-curly-hair is slid to the side like he usually wears it. He is wearing a black t-shirt and blue jeans, casual right? No. He is also wearing a $300 perfume and LV shoes.
As he sits in the car you starts to feel butterflies in your stomach and tense up. He looks at you, and smiles.

"It's okay babe. They love you- or shall I say, larb you." he jokes. You laugh a little and roll your eyes playfully.

"Just drive. The faster we get there, the better." you say. Tom drives to their parents house but something seems off. The front door to their house is open and the lights are on.

"What the hell?" Tom says worried that someone broke in. You look at Tom.

"Let's go check everything is okay!" you say quickly and run out of the car, Tom behind you. You walk to the front door, everything seems fine-

"Tessa!" You hear from the road. You and Tom quickly turn your heads and see his dog, Tessa, running away.

"Fuck! Tessa get back!" Harry screams running after him. You start to freak out. Yo know that Tessa loves you over the moon.

"Hey Tess! *whistle* Come on!" you yell to the poor dog. Tessa turns her head and bolts at you and Tom.

"Good girl Tess~" you say petting her. Tom looks at you in awe.

"How in the actual fuck did you do that!" Sam asks you. You start to laugh.

"Good to see you too Sam!" you reply laughing.
Dom, Paddy and Nikki run at you, Sam, Tom and Tessa.

"Oh my god! Bad dog Tess" Nikki says to the panting dog next to you and puts her on a leash.

"What happened here?" Tom asks. He was confused why Tessa was running free.

"Tessa decided to take us on a quick run before dinner, eh." Harry replies from the bush.

"Great to see you y/n. Wow, Tessa really likes you." Dom says smiling, and hugs you. You hug back, as all the nervousness and butterflies just wash away.

"Let's go in, shall we?" Tom says laughing.
You take your coat and shoes off as Tom takes them from your hand and puts them to the closet.

"Need help, Nikki?" You ask smiling at her. She is cooking dinner to you all.

"Well aren't you just so kind. Yes please. Can you cut the celery?" She replies smiling from ear to ear. You start cutting the celery and feel two hands sliding from you hips. It's Tom.

"Whacha doing?" he says hugging you from behind. You giggle a bit.

"Helping your mother cook." Nikki replies for you. She is hinting at him to join you two.

"That cool babe." you boyfriend replies and kisses you in the cheek. Then he walks away to Paddy, Sam and Harry.

"So y/n, how are things going at your flap?" Nikki asks you kindhearted. You smile at her and say-: "Really well actually. It's fun living with him." You start to blush.

"Boys stop wrestling!" Dom yells at the background.

"Shall we listen so some music?" you ask.

"Amazing idea darling!" Nikki replies to you. She is always really kind and loving, so is Dom, but you have a stronger connection with Nikki. As women, you understand each others.
You put on some music and hear Harry yelling in the background-: "Let's get this party started!" Paddy, Tom, Sam and you burst out laughing. When the food is ready you make the table.

"Babe can you help be a bit?" you ask your boyfriend as he starts hugging you from behind again.

"Of course love. What do you need?" he asks you, resting his head on your shoulder.

"Can you tell the others that food is ready?" say ask quietly. He smiles at you, he can tell that your nerves built up again.

"Darling, calm down. It's okay" he says whispering to your ear.

"Guys food is ready!"
You all sit around the table at talk about each other. Then Dom asks you-:" Hey y/n, hows the acting turning out?" You smile a bit. Your actually happy that someone brought this up.

"I actually got a role from the upcoming James Bond movie" you say smiling from ear to ear. Tom hugs you to show how proud he is of his girlfriend.

"Wow thats so cool!" Paddy adds. "Is Tom in that movie too?"
Tom chokes on his beer- "Padsterman, of course I'm not in the movie!" he says playfully.

"He might not be starring in the movie, but he will most-likely be an extra." you say winking at him. Tom gasps at you like he was really offended. Then you all burst out laughing.
                                   ~Time Skip~
"I think we should get going." Tom tells you. You nod at him, say goodbye to his family, and hop in the car.

"That was really fun actually." you tell him in the car.

"I'm so glad you enjoyed it." Tom says to you.


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