"I miss you." Part 1| T.H

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Here you are, just laying in bed watching Spider-Man Homecoming, alone. Tom is out of town filming and getting drunk with his friends. As you were about to go to sleep, your phone rang. You check to see who it is.

Thomas calling..

You jump up and answer.

"H-hey Tom." you stutter.

"Hey gorgeous, what's up?" Tom says with a happy voice. You can hear the scream of fans in the background.

"Eh, I'm just bored." you answer.

"Hey you got Tess. There is no way you are bored!" Tom laughs. You giggle a bit.

"That's true, but Tess is at your mum, remeber?" you laugh.

"Oh shit! I'm sorry." he says.

"Sorry for what?" you ask in confusion.

"For leaving you alone at home."

You freeze. The scene in Homecoming when Peter Parker takes his shirt off came on.

"Wow.." you say.

"What?" Tom says and laughs.

"Oh nothing. I forgot how good your six-pack was!" you laugh. Thomas laughs aswell.

"Okay then. But I have to go back filming.

"Okay. I love you." you say with a huge smile.

"I love you too Y/N." Thomas says.

Call ended..

You lay back and sigh. You look to your right, to your left.


You jump out of bed, throw on a pink SHIT HAPPENS hoodie, black ripped jeans, and run out of the house.
You were supposed to meet Tom's family for dinner today. As you get to your car, you check your phone.

Messages from Paddy: Where are youuu
Missed call from Paddy

You quickly text Pads that you are on your way.
You jump into your car and drive to Nikki's and Dom's house.

"Y/N is here!" you hear as you step out of the car in Tom's parents house.

"Heeey!" you say to Paddy who's ran out of the house to give you a big hug.

"Hi." Paddy muffles.

"Hey Y/N" Sam says from the door way. You look at him and laugh, then you look back at Paddy who is still hugging you. You hug back and he lets go.

"Come on inside!" Paddy says and pulls your hand to lead you inside the house. As you get inside you are greeted with Tessa.

"Hey Tess. Hii." you say as the dog licks your face. "Yeah Tess I missed you too!"

"Great to see you again Y/N." Nikki says to you and gives a hug.

"Great to see you too Nikki." you say and gibe her a big smile. You love the Hollands and they have been there every time Tom had left to go filming or on a press tour.

Dom, Harry and Sam also came to greet you and lead the living room.

"So what have you been up to Y/N." Harry says and sits next to you on the couch.

"Eh nothing much, I'we just checked a few modeling cases and acting jobs." you say and look at your feet.

"That's cool." Harry says and gives you a smile.

"Yeah I guess." you flash a quick smile at him. Harry is one of your best friends.
You phone rang again.

😻🥵☺️😼Bestie💃👽🤪😫 calling..

You dismiss yourself from the couch and answer the call in the hallway.

"Hey Y/N I'm sorry I know your at Tom's parents house so don't be mad, okay!" your best friend yells to the phone.

"Why would I be mad?" you ask.

"Check the news.." she says. You panic and open the News App.

Hollywood actors Tom Holland and Zendaya have been reportedly waiting for their first child together.

These Hollywood actors have been reported to be dating since 2017 and are now having a child together

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These Hollywood actors have been reported to be dating since 2017 and are now having a child together.

You freeze.

"Y/N? Y/N you there?" your bestie asks.

"I have to go." you say coldly and end the call.

Call ended..

You slowly walk back in the living room to see sad looks from Tom's family.

"Y/N I'm so sorry." Nikki says.

Paddy comes to give you a soft hug and you break down and fall on your knees. You start crying.

Thomas calling..

Paddy takes your phone and answers.

"Y/N I'm so sorry!" Tom says on the phone.

"You should be you dickhead!" Paddy screams.


"Yeah! How could you do this to her!" Paddy screams. Now he is crying too. You grab the phone from Paddy.

"Thomas." you say.

"Y/N I'm so so so so so sorry!" Thomas says.

"It's over Thomas." you say with a cold voice.

"No please Y/N let me explain!" he cried to the phone.

"There is nothing to explain Tom. Nothing." you say.

"I'm coming home Y/N. I want to apologize."

Call ended..

Paddy ends the call.

"I should go home." you say with red eyes and a weak smile.

"I'll drive you home Y/N." Harry says and gets up.

"No thanks. I need to be alone for a while." you say and hold your hands.

Somewhat alone..

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