The Night of The Lip Sync Battle | T.H

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"God I'm nervous." your boyfriend, Tom says.
You two are sitting in a dressing room to get ready for the Lip Sync Battle.

"Oh please, your going to smash it."'you scoff to him. He rolls his eyes and laughs a bit.

"I'm sorry you have to stay backstage babe." Tom says to you.

"It's fine. I would probably just pass out from your charming performance if I was in the audience!" you joke.

"Tom are you ready." the director says. Tom gets out if his chair, grabs you hand, and walks out with you.

"Tom you're going to break my hand if you keep squeezing it like that." you say, trying to wiggle your hand out if the strong grip.

"Oh sorry babe." he chuckles nervously. You decide to give him a good hug before he goes on stage. The second he steps on the stage, the crowd goes crazy. Everyone is screaming and clapping.

Tom Pov.

I step on the stage and hear everyone go crazy. Zendaya is already there and I walk next to her.

"Welcome to the Lip Sync Battle, Spider-Man edition!"

I feel my stomach go to knots as I watch Zendaya perform. One round goes by, and we are at the second round. I don't want to mess this up.

"Wow.. That was.. So average Zendaya." I say but instantly regret it. It was my turn now.

Normal Pov:

You smile nervously to the cheering crowd, that doesn't see you.

You hear the music start and wonder What the hell is he doing this isn't going to win!

Tom disappears behind the umbrellas.

The the fuck?

*umbrella starts to play*

"Oh.My.God! No way!" you scream in excitement. You pay attention to every move your boyfriend does and after it was over, you felt so happy.

"He did great." Harrison says behind you and starts laughing.

"Hell yea he did!" you reply. Not so long after that and Tom comes back backstage with Zendaya as people are voting. You run at Tom and wrap your legs around his waist.

"You were amazing babe." you whisper to his ear. You feel him smile.

"Erm. What about meee!" Zendaya says playfully.

"You were great too bestie." you wink at her. She winks back and laughs a bit.

"Ay ay ay! You're voting me right!" Tom looks at you.

"Of course baby!" you say laughing as Zendaya looks at you like she is hurt but starts laughing.

"We all know you are voting Tom because you two are dating! Otherwise you would vote me, right?"

"Ofcourse bestie!"

And just like that, the voting was done. Tom and Zendaya went back on stage as they announced the winner.

"And, the winner of the Lip Sync Battle, Spider-man edition is....

The crowd goes crazy as Tom takes the winners belt and bows.

You scream from backstage: "Woooo! Go Tom!"

Tom and Zendaya come back from the stage, everyone is clapping at wooing. You kiss Tom on the cheek and start looking at the belt.

But just like that- the night was over, and it was time to go home and sleep.

ILY 3000!

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