Comic Con | T.H

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y/b/f/n = your best friends


"I'm going to throw up." you turn to say to your best friend (y/b/f/n). She puts her hands on your shoulders.

"You're going to be fine. Everyone always says that he is super sweet. Just breathe!" she says. You were about to meet your role model, Tom Holland.


"Yea I can't do this (y/b/f/n)!" you say while freaking out.

"Okay just suck it up and stop being a pussy." she replies to you, jokingly. You roll our eyes.

"Ma'am, your turn." the staff tells you and you walk in.

"Hello darling! How are you?" Tom says to you with his adorable english accent.

"H-hi!" you say turning into a tomato.

"3..2..1" *flash*

"Thank you." you say after the photo.

"No problem love." Tom replies smiling. You exit the room, smiling for ear to ear but also freaking out, almost crying.

"(y/b/f/n) I fucking did it!" you scream at her filled with joy.

"Yea but cmon we are going to be late for the meet and greet!" she replies, grabs your hand and pulls you to the area. Something seems odd about her..?

"And welcome to the stage, your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, Tom Holland!"

"Hurry up (y/n)!" she pulls you and runs. You find two seats and sit down. It had just started, and you got pretty good places too!
You can see Toms eyes going trough the audience, like he is looking for someone.

"So what is the weirdest thing so far at the Comic con?" they ask.

Tom thinks for a moment and sighs with a huge smile.

"Well I was taking the pictures with fans and this gorgeous girl walked in. For a moment I was like *wow* but tried to shake it off. You know I didn't want to be creepy" Tom replies blushing and laughing. His eyes roam trough the audience again. He spots you and waves.

"Omg!" *cheering* the crowd goes crazy. You start to blush and look down at the photo with Tom.

"What the-" you start and turn the picture around.
"His PHONE NUMBER!" you yellwhisper to your best friend.

"Omg cover it up so nobody else sees it!" she replies and looks around a bit. Nobody noticed anything. Did Tom really think you were gorgeous?

~~hours later after comic con~~
(yes a timejump. it will make sense soon.)

You are laying in your bed, holding up the picture if you and Tom. The storm outside is keeping you awake, as its already 10PM.

"Hey (y/n) did you text him yet?" your best friend walks in. You shake your head.

"Oh come on you little pussy. Woman up!" she says but you just roll over.

"Why would he like me? There was like a thousand better-looking women there." you say as tears fall from your face. (y/b/f/n) sighs and sits next to you.

"Give me the phone." she says with a full on poker face.


"You heard me. Give me the phone." she says again. You give her the phone and he dials the numbers in.

"What are you doing?" you asks worried.

"Texting him of course." she replies, looking down at the phone. Your blush for a moment.

"Wait no!" you yell. She looks at you and smirks.

"You got it from here." she says and walks away. You look down at the phone.

                             Tom Holland😱😱

                                         Hey! It's me, the girl
                                         from the pictures. :)

Oh hi darling! I was
waiting for your text!
How are you?

You blush and start typing**

                                               I'm good, just tired.

Hey I know this is kinda
creepy but would u
like to come backstage
with me. You get to meet
Zendaya, Jacob, Jake,
Harrison ect.

Sure! I'm going to
your meet and greet
at 1PM so after that

Perfect! See you then
love! ❤️


You turn off your phone and squeal.

"Omg I can't believe it! He seems to fucking like me! Me!!! you scream. You best friend walks in smiling, she seems happy for you.

"Did you books plans?" she says with a grin.

"Yeah I'm meeting him after the meet and greet. Wanna come?" you ask.

"Girl- That's a fucking shitty question right there!" she squeals jokingly.

"Can we watch Spider-Man now! Like get into that mood?" you ask smiling from ear to ear. Just amazed about the situation.

"YEA GIRL!" she yells.


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