"I miss you." Part 3 | T.H

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*Incase it's unclear, the curving texts are your thoughts*

After Thomas left you broke down on the floor, tears falling down your cheeks like they were poured with buckets. Everyone wanted to help you but they didn't know how.

"Nikki. Dom." you say with a broken voice.

"What is it sweetie?" Nikki says and calmly pets your back.

"I'm pregnant."

Everyone freezes.

"I- Congratulations Y/N." Nikki says. She knows Thomas must be the father. "Is it his?"

"Yes." you say and hold your tummy. There is already a little bump.

"Darling I am so sorry about what Tom did there but we need to sort it out. Maybe it's not even true." Dom says and walks next to you and Nikki.
You nod.

"When do you have your next ultrasound?" Nikki asks.

"Tomorrow at 1pm." you say and look at her.

"Let's get you and your baby to bed now, okay?" Nikki says and helps you up. You wobble to the guest bedroom and lay down.

"Thank you Nikki."

Nikki just nods and turns the lights off.
"Sleep well, darling."

Nikki walks out.

You try to fall a sleep but it's not working. Nothing is working.
The fuck am I going to do.
You keep rolling in your bed, nervous to go on your stomach. Is it going to hurt the baby?

It's 5am and you finally start get sleepy. You keep sighing.

7am there is a big thud. Wtf?
You slowly and heavily start to climb out of bed when Paddy runs into your room. He looks like he has seen a ghost.

"Hey Pads?" you say.
"Hi.." he replies.

You look at him. He is hiding something.

"What are you doing?" you say and lift a brow.
Paddy hums for a moment. "Nothing."
You shake your head and stand up.

"Well I have to go upstairs."

You're confused at why Paddy is acting this way.
"Paddy let me go."

"Tom is there.." he says and sadly looks at you.
You sigh. "It's fine."

You grab Paddy's hand a walk upstairs. There is yelling and thudding but when you and Paddy arrive, everything goes quiet. Tom turns around to look at you.

"Don't 'babe' me Thomas."
"Let me explain!"

Tom follows you to another room.
"So." you start.
"No. Let me talk."

You hum as response.

"It was a mistake. We were both drunk and just messed up. It didn't mean anything. I swear. I would never hurt you Y/N. You're my everything and I love you more than anything in the world. I'm sor-"

"Do you also love your kid?"
"Of course I do Y/N.
"Then why did you do this."

".. I don't know." he says.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2021 ⏰

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