"Don't leave me!" PART 2 | T.H

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We get in the limo and I start looking at my phone.


Oh come on. First Zendaya, now me?..
"Tom look at this." I say and hand over my phone.

"What the fuck? This.. Again!" Tom groans.

I giggle a bit with Zendaya and keep looking at my phone. Before I can die in Subway Surfers, we arrive to the dinner place.

"This is your stop." the driver says and gets out to open our door. We step out, thank the driver and start to notice paparazzis. They were quick to swarm us and we were stuck in the middle. This isn't going to help those fucking dating rumors isn't it.


"Tom over here!"

"Zendaya can I get a quick smile!"

"Are the dating rumors true with Tom and

I start to blush a bit and start to push the paparazzis out of our way.

"Enough photos guys. We have stuff to do today." I say as I'm pushing the 6 feet tall men out of my face. As Tom, Zendaya and I get in the restaurant, we go into a private room so nobody comes asking for photos or autographs.

"Hey you made it!" the director says and shows us to have a seat.

"The paparazzis were crazy tonight." I say, panting.

"After those rumors, it will only get worse.." the director says and orders his food.

"I'll have.. um the spaghetti bolognese, thank you." I say smiling. I notice Tom staring at me with his soft-brown eyes.

"What are you looking at goofball?" I say with a smirk.

"Oh. Um.. Nothing, I'm just tired and I guess my eyes froze.." Tom says and blushes.
I roll my eyes playfully and keep talking with the rest if the cast and crew.

The food arrived quickly and we were all having a great time. We were laughing, sharing moments about being on set and the reactions when we found out we got the roles.

"So.. guys." I start with a grin.
"I was in bed, it was about 6 o'clock in the morning and I see my phone going on and off like crazy. And um I took my phone and was like o m g I just got 200k more followers what the hell and I went back to sleep without thinking anything more about it-"

"Wait you were casually like Oh yeah I just got 200k more followers no big deal?!" one of the cast asks playfully. Everyone laughed.

"Well duh! Anyway when I woke up again at like 1pm I got a call from (the directors name) and I started stuttering like h-h-heey wha—ts upp-p-p." I add.

"I remember that!" the director says.

I finish my story and everyone laughs. We kept talking for hours until it was 1.48am and we decided to go back and get some sleep. We hop back into the limo and drive to set, where our trailers are. Everyone says goodnight and gets in their trailers.

"Goodnight everyone, love you!"

"Love you too!"


"Love u!"

"Nighty nighty."

"Sleep well!"

I step into my trailer and sigh. That was a really long day huh. I quickly remove my makeup, change my clothes to pajamas and plop on my bed. I quickly start to drift off to sleep, but just about when I'm asleep, I hear a knock on the door. I groan.

"Who is it!" I yell.

"I-it's me! Tom!"

I try to open my eyes and get out of my bed to open the door. I open the door and see Tom in gray sweatpants and a gray hoodie. His hair is all over the place and his brown eyes look you tiredly.

"What are you doing here Tom." I say annoyed.

"I wanted to talk to you." Tom says and starts twitching his fingers nervously.

"Tom. Seriously it's super late get some sleep." I say.

"Let me just talk to you please." Tom says with his puppy eyes.
I roll my eyes and let him in. I plop back on the bed as Tom sits next to me.

"I. Um.. just wanted you to know that I.. umm.. I think I like you Y/N." Tom says with a huge blush.

"Oh.. Really? Wow.." I say in shock. Why does he like me? There is 7billion people who look better than me..

"I'm sorry I just-" Tom starts but you cut him off.

"Don't be, Tom. I kinda like you too. But it's weird, you know. There's all these rumors and-"
This time Tom cuts you off with a gentle kiss. You slowly pull away.

"Wow that was.. great.." I say with a blush. Tom looks at you with a soft smile.

"I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend?"

I giggle a bit and say: "S-sure!"
Tom lays back with me and we both slowly drift to sleep.

LOVE U 3000!

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