Drama (cursing) PART 2 | T.H

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"What happened to them?" Sam asks. You are crying in your room, at Toms parents house. They are so close to you that they let you stay at their house during all this drama.

"Pick up. Pick up." you say repeatedly while calling your best friend on computers skype.

"Hey Y/N what's up-. she starts.

"We broke up. He cheated on me." you say. The tears are falling down your face, and your mascara is dripping down with it.

"I'm going to kill that little skunk!" your best friend screams on the phone. You smile a bit.

"Can we just talk about something else." you ask.

"Of course bestie!" she says smiling. She wants you to feel better. You smile at her.

(some time later) *knocking*

"Hey Y/N. Can you take Tessa for a walk?" Nikki says trough the door.

"Yeah! Sure!" you say wiping the dry tears from your face.

"Hey I have to go. But can we talk tomorrow?" you ask your best friend.

"Yeah! I have to go too. Take care bestie!" she says happily.

"Take care!" you say and hang up. You get up from the bed, shut your computer and go grab Tessa from the livingroom.

"Hey Tess. Wanna go on a walk?" you say smiling.

"woof woof"

"Let's go Tess!" you say, grabbing a leash and walking out with Tessa. You walk for a good 45 minutes until your phone rings.

"Hello?" you say to the phone.

"Hey. Y/N." a female voice says from the phone.

"Sorry who is this?" you say.

"...............Karen." the voice says.

Your eyes turn red. You feel the tears starting to build up.

"How in the actual hell dare you to call me! First you basically fuck my boyfriend, then you destroy our relationship, AND YOU CALL ME!" you scream to the phone.

"I didn't fuck him." Karen says.

"Yeah Karen. And cows fly. You are filled with bullshit!" you scream and hang up.

"Come on Tess, let's go inside." you say walking inside, tears rolling down your face. Not only from sadness, but rage.

"Hey Y/N you came ba-" Sam starts.

"Omg Y/N are you ok?" Paddy says and runs to hug you. You start crying.

"Oh no darling." Nikki says and hugs you. "It's going to be okay honey."
You nod.

"Y/N. Let's have a movie night. I know you love them." Harry says from the couch. You smile a bit and nod.

"That.. That would be great, thanks Harry." you say.

"I'll make you kids some food." Nikki says and walks to the kitchen. Paddy walks you to the couch, holding your hand. You sit down to the soft couch, between Paddy and Harry while Sam and Nikki are cooking pasta.

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