Not yours. | T.H

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You are visiting New York with your boyfriend Matt to go see the set of Spider-Man 3. You and Matt are big fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and Tom Holland in general.
You had won two VIP tickets to go meet Tom on set and thought to bring your best friend who is a huge Tom Holland fan but Matt really wanted to come so you gave the other ticket to him.

"Matt you ready to go get breakfast?" you ask your boyfriend who is scrolling trough instagram.

"Yeah yeah." he replies and gets up. "Let's go then."

You walk out of your hotel room and get on the elevator.

"So are we doing something today?" Matt asks.

"Uhm? Did you forget why we are here?" you ask with a little bit of anger.

"For a holiday?" your boyfriend says.

"No. We came here to go on set of Spider-Man 3 and meet Tom Holland." you say. You started to get a little bit angry that your boyfriend, who prayed you to give him the other ticket, didn't remember why travelled such a long way.

"Oh." Matt says.

"Why? Do you have something planned already?" you ask.

"Yeah I'm meeting a woman today." he says.
This got your blood boiling but you had to stay calm.

*sigh* "Okay Matt. I'll go alone. Give me the other ticket." you say with a mood.

"What? I'm not coming today doesn't mean I'm not coming tomorrow." Matt says. He was starting to get angry with you.
You walk out of the elevator to the lounge and get food.

"What time are you meeting this woman. And why." you ask while he is taking food.

"I'm meeting her at 12:45 just because." Matt says. You sigh and bite into your waffles.

After breakfast you went quickly to your room. You are meant to leave at 12:00 and spend the night at a VIP trailer on set. It's 11:48 am.

"Matt I'm leaving." you say.

"Ok." Matt mumbles.

As you are about to step out you see Matt's VIP ticket. You hesitate a moment but pick it up with you. Quickly you run to get a taxi and get on set, and before you know it you have arrived. You step out of the taxi and walk to the guards.

"Hello sir." you say to the guard. "I'm here for the behind the scenes experience."

"Yes ma'am. Do you have the tickets?" the guard says to you. It's a tall muscular man in a black T-shirt.

"Yes sir." you give him your ticket and the guard brings you inside.

"Hey you must be Y/N." a british voice says. It's Tom Holland.

"Um. Yeah that's me." you say with a nervous smile.

"Welcome on set of Spider-man 3, let me show you around." Tom says and grabs your hand. His hand is soft as butter.
"So here we have room where I am not allowed to go." Tom laughs.

You laugh too. "Is it because you are not allowed to read the script?"

"Yes how did you know that?" he laughs.

"I'm a fan."

He locks eye contact with you. His brown eyes staring into yours.

"You have gorgeous eyes Y/N." Tom says. You blush.

"Thank you. You too." you giggle. Tom laughs.

"Hey Thomas!"

You both turn around. It's Kevin Feige.

"Hey Kevin. What's up?" Tom says.

"It's your time to film." Kevin says and looks at you. "Oh sorry, I'm Kevin. Nice to meet you"

"Nice to meet you too, sir."

You, Tom and Kevin walk to a crowd of people. There is a huge blue screen around you.

"So Tom you need to jump over there, do a flip here and continue there. Then to Zendaya, get it?"

"Yeah I'm a trained actor motherfucker." you mumble.
Everyone on set starts to laugh.

"Yeah I get it Kevin." Tom says and smiles at you.

Time skip:

You have watched Tom work for hours now and honestly, you could do it all day everyday. It was really interesting.

"So Y/N." Tom says and walks over to you. "Let's get ready for dinner shall we."

"Sure!" you say and follow Tom to his trailer. The trailer was quite big actually, and clean.

"You can put your stuff in there Y/N." Tom says softly.

"Oh right." you blush. Tom laughs a bit and starts making tea.

"So what do you think about being on set?" he asks.

"It's amazing really, so interesting to see all these amazing actors fully in action." you say and turn to Tom.

Tom nods. "Want tea?"

"Mhm sure." you say and sit down. Tom starts to make you two some tea, but you hear your phone going off. You pick it up and notice a bunch of Tom Holland fanpages commenting on your posts, tagging you and DM:ing you.

"Hey Tom.." you stutter.


"You should come check this out.."

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