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The bell situated at the top of the tavern door rung cutely.

I leaned forward in the stool, adjusting my forearm comfortably against the counter of the bar. Heavy boots slowly and loudly marched their way across hardwood, the owner of said footwear sitting in a seat a couple of spaces away from me.

I eyed them, their scaly blue-grey skin making me feel ill at ease. I knew who they were or, more specifically, what they were. It was nearly impossible to mistake the dull burgundy leather guard uniform of a troll. And to be even more specific, it was a troll from the north, those tend to be the larger ones and destined to be ancestors of rock people. Northern Trolls also happened to be the same beings that took over my family's kingdom.

I chewed on the inside of my cheek, praying they haven't recognized my face.

"What'll it be, then?" A disgruntled voice gaffed out, interrupting my train of thought. I looked up, offering the most casual look I could create.

"Tea would be lovely. Iced tea." I answered, digging into my robes to pull out my pouch of coins. I placed my flute on the counter to get it out of the way before bringing the coins out. I tried to ignore the side glances the Troll beside me was throwing.

The barkeep rolled his eyes, bending down to grab a glass and slamming it down on the counter, causing me to flinch.

"Don't got ice, who do you think we are? Ice Queen Freya? You'll get the tea with the temperature it's at." He chuckled, a few onlookers letting out a laugh at his joke.

He had turned around briefly, grabbing a kettle and turning back to pour it into my cup, the liquid sloshing over the top.

"How much?" I asked tentatively. I pulled the string that kept my coin pouch closed and poured a small amount into my hands.

The barkeep eyed the money, a mischievous smirk on his face.

"It's two bronze, but for you? One silver." He answered, shoving his pudgy hands into my face.

I looked at him incredulously, a brow raised. He was trying to rip me off!

"One silver? No, no. For you? One bronze." I countered, placing the coin on the table and sliding it his way. The barkeep glared at it.

"Pay up, girl," He growled. I grinned, pulling the cup of tea towards me. The inside of the glass fogged up briefly before the frost spread from under my fingers across the sides. In seconds, the tea had become an icy sludge.

"What in-" The barkeep stared at the glass with a mixture of amazement and hysterics. Then, his brows furrowed and he shook his head, grabbing the bronze coin and pocketing it.

I hummed in satisfaction for my momentary victory and picked up the cup and let the icy goodness slide down my throat.

"That's a mighty fine piece of metal you got there." A voice said, hot breath fanning my cheek. My body went frigid as I turned my head to the right, only now noticing the Troll staring intently at me.

"P-pardon?" I stuttered. The troll grinned and motioned his head to my flute that still sat motionless in the center.

"Yer instrument. Looks expensive." He said.

I gulped and, with feigned nonchalantness, I grabbed the instrument and put it in my robes.

"Thank you."

I tried to focus my gaze on something else, adjusting myself so that I'm as far away in my stool from the Troll as possible.


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