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We were all standing outside, stomachs stuffed thanks to Han's cooking expertise. It was a sunny day, nothing had been accomplished, and we were standing in some sort of circle. One of the triplets had pulled out a small wooden contraption with an angled turning rod. Kio (at least, I think it was Kio) kneeled and began to move the rod. Red Shoes gasped.

"It's a perfect copy of my drawing!" She began cheerfully as the copies of the same paper fell out of a slot and into a neat stack. "That's incredible!"

"Can I try?" I asked, kneeling. Kio nodded and his arm came forward. He used his hand and grabbed my own, guiding it to the rod. Together, we made copies of Red Shoe's dad's portrait.

"Let me try!" Merlin grunted as he shoved Kio out of the way. He almost immediately moved his hand atop of mine.

"Merlin..." I started quietly. "I don't think this is a two-person job."

Merlin stared at the two of our hands touching and his mouth opened slightly as I pulled my hand from under his. He cleared his throat and began turning the rod once again.

"This will make it easier to find your dad," Merlin said quickly as if we hadn't just held hands and grinned at Red Shoes.

"Unfortunately, this thing ain't flying," Pino said, his hand patting the surface of the large wooden build shaped like a man.

"It's grounded," Noki agreed.

"Why does it need to fly?" I asked as I tilted my head, my eyes landing on the tree that was twenty feet away.

"The posters are no good if we can't distribute them fast."

"Uh-huh. So how about we use that?" I asked, pointing to the tree.

There, lodged into the center, a witches broom.


One second, you're at the top of the world. Then the clock ticks and you're suddenly at the bottom.


The sky was blue, the clouds were lush, and the view was incredible. But my eyes were so tightly glued shut I didn't even think to spare a glance to appreciate said view. Heights? No thank you.

The twins had attached that broom to their wooden human thingy. It's such a weird invention that I don't even know how to describe it. But, one thing's for sure, being one hundred feet in the air on this... machine was terrifying.

We were sitting on top because there wasn't enough room for me, Merlin, and the twins inside. And lucky us, there were no seatbelts. We could've fallen off ten minutes ago and nobody would have known.

God, why weren't there seatbelts?

My arms were tightly wrapped around Merlin as I hug him from behind, my face shoved into his back so I didn't see the valley of death fall below me.

Suddenly, Merlin yelled, and I unwillingly opened my eyes. Somehow, Pino, Noki, and Kio completely disregarded the fact that there were people on top of their flying contraption and decided to fly through a couple of trees. And for a couple of seconds, which felt like hours, we were screaming because oh my god we were going to die.

"We're going to die!" Merlin screamed as we went free falling.

I don't know how, but we landed on a fat branch when we slipped off the top. We sighed thankfully.


"Oh no."

It had only been seconds and we were screaming once more. The branch broke underneath us and we were falling. Again.

Forever and a Day - Merlin X Reader - Red ShoesWhere stories live. Discover now