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"She's not gone. Not completely."

The words made Merlin's heart pound out of his chest. He turned around without a second thought and within seconds the front of Dartmouth's shirt was bunched up in his grasp. Merlin held the Troll up menacingly and the fallen King gulped.

"What do you mean she's not gone?" Merlin seethed. Dartmouth opened his mouth wide, gaping it wordlessly like a fish.

"Answer me!" Merlin yelled.

"She- she's cursed," Dartmouth sputtered out.

"Obviously, you dolt. Anything else you want to point out that everybody already knows?"

Dartmouth's eyes fluttered to the ground briefly as if mustering up the courage to look the firey dwarf in the face. Merlin stopped himself from punching the Troll square in the jaw and settled for rolling his eyes instead.

"Pathetic," Was all Merlin spat as Dartmouth chewed the inside of his cheek. Merlin let go of Dartmouth's shirt and dropped him. He took one step before glancing back at the girl made of solid gold.

Merlin always thought that a broken heart being captured as a shape with a zig-zag line portraying a crack through the middle was always overdramatic. But now, when he couldn't help but feel what that image portrayed, he thought that perhaps a couple of explosions would do it more justice.

"A kiss-" Dartmouth whispered, wiping a dribble of blood from the side of his face. "A kiss of love would break her curse."

Merlin felt his eyes widen slightly. 

"You mean her mother or father-" Merlin began rapidly.

"Not anymore," Dartmouth cut him off, licking his lips.

"What are you on about?" Merlin asked, whipping around to face the monster once again.

"Magic is specific. Curses deepen after certain things... occur, " Dartmouth sneered. "There are rules."

"And those rules are?" 

Merlin's mind was reeling. Magic was magic. He of all people would know that. There were no rules and there were certainly no boundaries. 

... Right?

"For years the princess has been able to let her parents kiss her in order to break the spell briefly. But every full moon she turns back."


"A kiss of true love can only break it fully," Dartmouth began slowly, struggling to stand up. "Her parents may love her but not in a way that matters."

Merlin's heartbeat slightly faster and his hopes soared. 

"So you're saying if I find them they can save her for a month?" Merlin asked, seconds from breaking into a full-on grin.

I can probably catch up to them if I hurry, Merlin thought. 

"Have you not heard a thing I said?" Dartmouth growled. "Her curse has deepened. Her parent's love no longer suffices, not even briefly."

Merlin's temper began to rise. He curled his fists, knuckles turning white even in the dark of the castle. 

"But you just said-"

"I know what I just said!" Dartmouth snarled. "But she's fallen in love herself! Only the one she loves can break her curse now. And only if they love her back."

Merlin turned to the girl, his heart shattering even further.

"Why does it have to be the person she loves as well?" He asked slowly.

Forever and a Day - Merlin X Reader - Red ShoesWhere stories live. Discover now