IV. Wild. Fascinating. Why...?

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Something was off.

George couldn't pinpoint the origin of this very phantasm though, no matter how hard he searched. In the back of his mind, the blue-eyed boy knew that his suspicions were ridiculous yet his best mates conspiring against him didn't feel so absurd to him.

The cuddly Will vanished, in the span of two weeks George could scarcely recall the last time he was used as a pillow or a footrest by the brunette – the latter's real love language entailed 'words' along those lines – which was odd considering how touchy-feely the duo had grown to be lately. It was like a switch was flipped, Will suddenly became busy all the time out of nowhere. Although George had an inkling that this had something to do with his own room-mate, he wasn't going to point fingers and make accusations without viable proof. Speaking of which, proof for what exactly? For the feeling of possible exclusion? Who was George kidding; he should get a hold of his brain and stop this madness no one cared about his paranoid ideas.

Howsoever, he was unable to let it all go. He couldn't, not when Alex spent and awful lot of time with the green-eyed man George considered his best friend and neither invited him to join their hangouts. Not vocally at least, and since George wasn't an intruder, he never showed up uninvited. Show up, what a funny expression to use here – get out of his room to mingle and face a seemingly unwelcoming aura could be better. Maybe he was just overthinking it per usual but the fact that more than once the dialogue between the duo stopped whenever George appeared could not have been accidents.

"You good?" James nudged the smaller man's shoulder with his own after taking a seat next to him on the couch.

The boys had recently wrapped up a recording session in the Will-Gee household, the weekly filming hours over with footage enough for two videos. They started with a classic 'Guess the Youtuber', their 'colleagues' photoshopped into grotesque creatures made it hard for the boys to recognize them and win the prizes.
The dynamic was overall alright, no words were spoken about George's identity, looks or anything else the boy considered private information which was nice for a change. Not even in the second part of the session, when a tea making competition began with all of the Eboys in 'disguises'.

However, the littlest of observations only someone who was truly nit-picking could spot didn't go unnoticed by the dirty blonde, this being Will's afresh skill to evade him. Seating swaps occurred on numerous occasions, yet the Geordie never once landed next to George – except for perhaps on one occasion during which the brunette made sure to keep to himself in his own bubble and not touch – specifically – him on accident or not.

George straightened his back, slouched posture disappearing with his focus on the man who'd disturbed his deliberation.

"Yeah, pretty sound, mate. Why?" The younger of the two inquired, secretly relieved to be pulled out of his troublesome mindset by a pleasant friendly voice.

"No reason, you just seemed a bit rigid here on your own." James shrugged, voice low, eyes travelling over to Will who sat in an armchair across from them scrolling on his phone, looking exactly as isolated as George felt.

Alex paid no mind to his 'co-workers', deep in conversation – which James was also a part of seconds prior – with their new cameraman.

"Did you say something to him?"

"Who?" Before the bearded man's words could register George asked following his friend's line of sight.

James waited it out until George put two and two together since he couldn't be arsed to answer him with a questioning look plastered on his face.

Oh. Will. Who else?

Everything seemed to be about him recently. That man lived in George's head rent free nowadays.

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