XII: Best Friends For Life (The End)

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Will slipped his hand into George's the second the assumed they were no longer in their friends' line of sight. Their conversation was light and easy-going until then too, casual banter about the trip to their hut in the main focus.

"Thank you, George really. I truly appreciate what you did back there." The taller man informed his boyfriend softly as they took a left turn – a longer route but the view was worth it – exhaustion dissipating the further they walked.

The light brunette had a permanent small smile dancing on his lips when he peered up at the other. "Don't mention it. I know you and I could tell you'd never say you're tired on your own. I'm just looking out for you like a good boyfriend should."

The Geordie boy mirrored the blue-eyed man's expression and hummed thoughtfully. "I mean you've done this before when we weren't even dating just more straightforwardly."

That was true, once George had dragged the brunette's ass home from a party where neither of them were thirsty, but he was conscious enough to sense that Will needed rest in order to not pass out. He got them an Uber and stayed the night so they could mutually keep an eye out for one another. As they reminisced, they realized that this had become a fond memory many moons later.

The couple found themselves by the sea again, sneakers dusted in sand, nightlights illuminating the navy water, place vacant with the beach bars closed, sunbeds deserted. Enchanted by the scenery George momentarily forgot that they should head back and hit the hay immediately.

"And you're right this beautiful selflessness is something that should be a requirement for a romantic partnership but it's not and you still provide it – " Will exhaled slowly while guiding his boyfriend closer to the sea as a detour. Now or never. " – this is just one of the many things I love about you."

"You wh-?" George's stutter was interrupted by a quick kiss on his cheek before Will took a seat in the sand and motioned for him to follow his lead.

The older boy wasn't finished yet. This confession was bound to happen sooner or later and now the moment felt right to prefer the former option.

"I also love your smile." He continued knees pulled up to his chest with George cross-legged on his right. "The way your whole face lights up whenever your teeth show, eyes so blue it should belong to a fairy or some shit, and then you let those adorable giggles of yours out... And don't get me started on your freckles and ridiculously soft hair. Like shit George have you seen yourself flustered, trim ruined after I -?"

"We're getting a little off-topic here aren't we?" The tips of his ears crimson George stopped his other half before he had the chance to talk about things that should be only discussed within four walls in the safety of one's bedroom.

"I meant after I can't help myself and kiss the hell out of you because you can't stop laughing at something utterly stupid I started to waffle about." Will backtracked arm sliding over George's lower back.

The shorter man's heart rate was equally high as his partner's he'd never anticipated a heartfelt speech like so anytime soon or ever for that matter. He'd always pictured their first exchanged 'I love you's to happen randomly, slipped out totally by accident. Wondering if Will had planned this he dropped his head on his shoulder and nuzzled closer so he could kiss his neck in a reassuring manner and show he wasn't intimidated by his partner's words like he normally would be from such superfluous praise.

"Right." George was tomato red at this point own fingers unsure where to go before they settled on his once friend's back in a comforting way.

"What, else what else?" Green gaze shifted to the side in search of a continuation then focused back on his boyfriend no signs of discomfort, yet many hints of affection appreciated. "Oh Yes, your humour and lovable personality are also two very significant traits I have to mention along with the little head tilt you do whenever you're truly invested in something in my list of things I fell in love with you for."

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