X. Master of Disguises

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George had never gone from 'this is quite nice' to 'you just ruined it with one sentence' before, let alone experienced such a drastic shift in the mood with Will in his presence. This was his idea so why change his mind now? Wasn't he enjoying himself too? It sure as hell seemed like it up till now...

"What – what makes you say that?" He stammered, baffled and a tad bit hurt by the Geordie's declaration.

Did he finally realize he hated him?

Will locked eyes with him for a split second then shrugged, clearly upset. "You said it yourself. This is exactly like hanging out as friends."

"Want me to hold your hand to make it more romantic?" George joked as a weak attempt to lighten the mood, most definitely having thought about the action earlier at times throughout their wander.

The brunette quietly sighed and shook his head a little. He assumed George didn't acknowledge his honesty yet again. This wasn't the case though; the smaller man was plainly confused by him for the umpteenth time in his life.

"Shit, you really are serious. I – we don't have to be anything if you don't want to anymore. I just thought since you were the one to ask me out and we practically have either been smiling or laughing throughout this whole thing, you'd be more – let's say hopeful." George ruffled the top of his hair so he could fix it and occupy himself with something.

He was willing to be open. For Will he'd do more than he'd ever admit.

"I was. Then we shut up for more than three minutes and I freaked a little. I'm sorry, you – you think this is not a lost cause?"

"Nah. I mean I really do enjoy spending time with you."

"As friends." Will repeated the words his mind got stuck on ever since George considered his date proposal a friendly activity.

George pondered about that statement. It echoed in his brain, aware how he was the first one to use it in hesitation two days prior.

"Not necessarily." His tone held sincerity and determination.

Even though he couldn't before he started to see the possibility of them being a couple now. After over-analysing their kiss(es) George could rule out the probability of him being touch-starved as a reason for the fact that he couldn't stop thinking about Will's lips on his own. His plausible loneliness was still on the table though unfortunately. He'd have to look into that more in the future but now he had more pressing issues at hand.

"We could totally do something bare romantic like one of those fancy dinners you mentioned to see how we do in a setting as such." The dirty blonde suggested, a sheepish smile on his lips, encouragement of his mate being his aim.

Will visibly perked up at that, more at ease from George's ascertained attitude. Worries still clouded his conscience however this open-minded mindset lifted his own spirits up. George might've been hesitant at the beginning but now he was coming up with date ideas? How the tables had turned.

"You'd like that?" He asked voice optimistic, expression mirroring the other boy's.

"D' you think I would've said it if I didn't?"

Will crossed his legs and dropped his arm back to his body. "Honestly, mate you could be doing this so you won't hurt my feelings at this point."

"Right. Would someone who only wanted to avoid hurting your feelings and totally not – possibly, maybe, certainly – like you back, do this?" Lifting a hand George cupped Will's face and tilted his chin up.

Good thing they were in a more secluded area of the park so no one could ruin the moment. Without hesitation the smaller man pressed his lips against the brunette's in a featherlight kiss, thumb caressing his jaw afterwards as he held him there for a beat or two, eyes locked one showing surprise whereas the other pair millions of promises and opportunities.

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