XI. An Unexpected Yet Welcomed Sentiment

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Sneaking around, going on lunch dates and mostly sleeping over when the flat-mates weren't home, the couple became official pretty soon. Their worries about their friendship getting in the way of things were baseless. In reality it truly helped to avoid miscommunications and allowed them to easily set boundaries. Neither parties wanted to wait much with physicality, though, their previous build-up of constant closeness made it natural to take steps fast and there was nothing wrong with that. They trusted each other and that's all that mattered, the notorious 'L word' unrushed and still awaiting to be uttered.

Two months later with the summer at its peak the boys took a very much needed break from YouTube. With Will and George's relationship established but still not public – not even to their friends – it was a bit more difficult to get their room arrangements right without raising any suspicion. Bunking together with one of your best mates wasn't a crime yet it caused some unnecessary confusion amongst the group.

"I'm sorry Al but living with you is a lot as it is so don't be mad at me for not wanting to share a hotel room with you abroad." George spoke to his room-mate as they booked their accommodation online.

"Yeah I get that. However, out of all people why would you want to stay with Will? He bullies all of us." Even though that was an exaggeration the mentioned man had a tendency to be mean at times to them.

"Not me, lad. Not me." George smiled as his boyfriend walked back into his room with James on his screen in a FaceTime call.

"Yous are talking about me again, aren't you?" The Geordie inquired having dipped earlier to show something to the trilingual Eboy in the kitchen.

"They definitely are." James piped up from Will's cell, most of his attention on his laptop with the booking site they used open. "I love it how we could afford individual rooms and still decided not to by the way."

"Well yeah, it's more convenient with the couples attending and all. Like you and Aria, Alex and Lewis..." The youngest of the four swatted at Will for that comment with George giggling in the background.

"You and George." The bearded man virtually present joked, encouraged by their persistence to stay together during the trip.

George just about chocked on air, he coughed a couple of times at the implication. Neither he nor Will were keen on telling the boys about them being a couple yet so no wonder he freaked. The younger of the pair was the less enthusiastic about the reveal anyways.

"Moving on – can we choose our rooms already?" Will saved him again with a subject change.

"Alright, alright."


In the end it wasn't a hotel they arrived to from the airport but individual small houses like cabins, fancy and mesmerizing around a common garden of a holiday resort. They really were coupled up, Gee and Josh, James and Aria, Ciaran and his girl, Alex and Lewis and last but certainly not least Will and George. Although the last two couples were allegedly just friends it still made it easy to arrange the rooms. Not far from the beach they had a great view of the fisher town – mostly from the balconies of the huts – everyone agreed that they didn't have to stick together at all times but the organization of team activities wasn't forbidden rather encouraged.

Checked in, the lads and ladies decided to meet up in twenty to explore the shopping opportunities – mostly aiming for groceries for now – before they scattered.

"Hang on." Will slipped his new key into their house's lock and turned it with a satisfying click then immediately pushed the door open to usher his boyfriend in, eager to unpack (in theory).

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