V. That's What Friends Do

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Alex didn't warn him about shit. Or at least not about George closing him out and James noticing. The conversation they've had in the matter took place after Will's playfight with the dirty blonde was broken up. Well, the more severe one that changed everything did.
"What'd you need?" Will asked the smaller brunette back then, already wanting to go back to George for one reason or another.

Alex crossed his arms, his door clicking shut behind him. "For you to take our agreement seriously."

Will huffed at the ridiculity of the other boy's say. "I am, though I've never agreed to anything. He's one of my best mates, I won't stop hanging out with him just because you think things could escalate."

The Geordie had never considered his current counterpart a controlling person but this - this was beyond paranoid and uncalled for.

"I never said that you should. Your physicality, that is problematic, though." Alex's voice held certainty and suggested factual truth.

Will shook his head with an eye roll, tone whiny and mocking to show his disagreement. "Yeah I knooow. Because if I touch him, he's just gonna fall in love with me –"

The interruption was predictable yet the rant that came with it still shut the green-eyed man up.

"He is not an easily affectionate person, yet he lets you do whatever you please around him. You can, keep him in a one-armed hug for half an hour, bump your nose to his or even fuckin' straddle him and he won't care. Plus, both of you confirmed you find the other attractive, you are clearly aware of all of this and that's alarming."

Face hidden in his palm for a split second Will let his friend's words sink in not long enough to voice his real and unchanged opinion, though.

"God, Alex and what if one day I grow a little too fond of him? Nothing's gonna change. It won't affect the Eboys channel, our friendship or whatever you're afraid of."

"The thing is it most definitely would. The fans would notice and then George would too and that could mean the end of our channel."

Will looked from left to right with a disbelieving groan.

He could ignore a tiny crush and if George miraculously returned those hypothetical feelings then their possible romantic relationship was something they could keep behind closed doors, professional attitude remaining when it came to their careers. Will could not understand how Alex couldn't comprehend this. Unless...

"Are you like into him or something?" Will didn't entertain the idea of a split since he couldn't see that happen out of a harmless crush still, the new thought gravitated towards him out of the blue, absolutely valid point that was.

Will had never seen Alex more mortified than after that suggestion, the smaller man was quick to shake his head with wide eyes. "What? No. I just don't want him to get hurt. Or you for that matter."


This exchange of views really got Will thinking. Dating George wasn't something that had previously crossed his mind; however, it didn't exactly sound like a terrible idea. They already knew one another more than enough to be able to skip the small talk and first date get to know the other chitchat. Like Alex said, he found him alluring, even pretty if he really thought about it. Overall common interests, attraction and remarkable chemistry were all ticked on Will's list of necessities for a good relationship starter. But then again just because two people had an incredible bond as friends didn't mean they would be a healthy, successful and generally working couple.

Will didn't want to listen to Alex. He really didn't but unfortunately as soon as the idea was planted in his mind it wasn't leaving. He started wondering why George let him do so many things the dirty blonde normally would've shied away from if anybody else tried to accomplish anything remotely close to Will's actions. Was he overstepping and George just went along with it since they were such good mates? Surely not. No, no way. If that were true Will would've noticed for sure, George wasn't that good of an actor, no offence to him.

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