109: Tangled Up In Blue

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With the news that Marcel was using a teenager to control The Quarter, MJ jumped into action, diving into Rebekah's head to try and find out where she'd been. Despite having a massive power boost after the summer, she couldn't – something was blocking her.

"She didn't use a spell," MJ announced.

Rebekah gave her a look, "She didn't use a spell?"

"Nope," MJ stepped back, tired from her brain-scanning, "She used pure power."


"There's no spell on you."

None she couldn't find any way.

"She wanted you to forget, so you did," MJ summed up, "I can't do anything until I meet the girl. Then I can get a better read on the situation, identify her magic and stuff."

Klaus frowned, "What does that mean for us?"

"No clue."

"It means that Marcel has a superweapon, and you gave Elijah to him," Rebekah repeated the sentiment she'd been harping on with all morning, "If she's this powerful, how do we stand a chance at getting him back?"

"Actually," MJ worked as the calming agent, "Using pure power tells us something useful."

"It does?"

"You said she's a teenager, right?"

Rebekah nodded.

"Then she's untrained. That's our advantage."


"Witches use spells, even non-verbal spells, because pure power is risky, unreliable, and kinda a huge no-no," She took a seat, "You're far more likely to die doing magic that way. If this girl is choosing to do that, it means she doesn't know how to do the actual spells."

An assumption – but MJ's assumptions were usually right.

"Power's only useful if you know how to use it," She knew that better than anyone, "I need to meet her."

"See," Klaus smiled, "Nothing to worry about, Rebekah. Marcel has his powerful witch. I have mine."

Rebekah accepted the answer, looking out the window to where the vampires had been burnt on the front lawn.

"I cannot believe you disposed of those vampires without me," She pouted, "You know how I love to set things on fire!"

"Was I supposed to leave them to rot?" Klaus pointed out, "Besides – they were my responsibility. They attacked the helpless pregnant girl who's carrying my child."

"Oh, I am so moved by your new-found sense of fatherly duties towards the werewolf carrying your hybrid bun in her oven."

"Perfect timing," MJ laughed as Hayley joined them, sliding cereal over the table towards her, "Welcome."

Hayley gave her a small smile, "The werewolf would like to know what the plan is."

"Well, that depends what plan you mean, love," Klaus grinned, "My plan for global domination, or Rebekah's plan."

He looked to the ceiling with a wistful and mocking look in his eyes.

"To find love in a cruel, cruel world?"

Rebekah faux smiled, then, in a flash, snatched the pencil MJ had been using to make notes and threw it at him with the force to 'kill.'

Klaus caught it gleefully just before it could drive into his face.

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