137: The Pillar Of Community

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MJ was walking through the cemetery, a section she'd never explored before, reading the Bennett Grimoire to look over the basic components of most ancestral spells. She was closing her eyes and muttering the ones that were supposed to help witches commune with their ancestors, trying to get a grip for the authentic feel of New Orleans ancestral magic, versus Floare magic, versus normal ancestral magic.

She was alternating where she drew power from with each spell until she had a clear classification in her head for each of them.

Every time the flowers would perk up around her, MJ would start giggling, liking the reaction – especially since the light whispers in her ear were far more enjoyable than the taunting ones she'd grown used to.

It wasn't loud. It wasn't demanding.

It was more like a warm presence watching her back.

Nearly another month had passed since the faction party, and it had been a pleasant enough time

Nobody had broken any of the rules beside her, but it hardly felt peaceful in the city.

MJ hadn't broken any major rules either, more, she'd had work assignments, and she couldn't exactly help the fact that sometimes art shows, or street fairs, or music events, happened to be in vampire territory.

Luckily for her, the vampires weren't retaliating, warming up to her.

Part of MJ knew none of them would risk hurting her since Klaus would have their heads, but she also wanted to put it down to the fact she'd gone out of her way to be friendly. She always explained why she was passing through ahead of time so it wasn't blatant rule-breaking.

The girl she'd danced with her first night in town, Sadie, had ended up grabbing a coffee with her before introducing MJ to a few of the other vampires. A guy name Carter and she had hit it off over a pool game. And she'd spent a night getting drunk with some of them at Rousseau's after an incredibly long day of trying to cure Kieran of his hex.

Josh had been with her during the day, and she'd managed to convince him to take the risk and come drinking with them the following weekend too.

Then there was Diego and her.

He'd been a little narky about her telling the wolves to kill him, but she'd also told everyone to kill the witches, including herself – so she'd been forgiven. He'd also thanked her for getting the stake off of Jackson, and he'd given her points for just stabbing Elijah like it was nothing.

They'd been hanging out a lot since then, and MJ had even managed to get him and Sam to hold a civil conversation with each other. More than once. When Sam and she had been grabbing lunch or hanging out, and they'd run into him.

Technically, Sam was allowed in vampire territory, as a vampire, and he really enjoyed coming to street fairs with her.

MJ was working on being a peaceful smiling face for everyone else.

The biggest problem was Genevieve, MJ needing to plan her takedown quite carefully.

She was a spirit elected by the ancestors, and, unlike with Bastianna, now that everyone was playing peace, it made it a lot harder to just decapitate the woman.

So, MJ was lying in wait.

She'd given Davina some time to adjust to using magic again, taking Genevieve's lessons and finding her footing among the French Quarter Coven. Then, once the teenager felt settled within herself, MJ had called a meeting.

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