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On July 10th, 17 years ago, I was born.

I've been creating stories for as long as I can remember.
I never played mindless games with my friends when I was little.
My games were basically mini plays that we did over and over again until we knew them by heart.
I never played with toys like my niece or nephew does. I told stories.
I was writing books before I could actually write.
My mom would write down my stories for me.

And this is a day not to celebrate me but instead to celebrate my stories.

So say happy birthday to not just me but my beautiful story ideas.

This book isn't long or well put together but it is a book showcasing some books of mine among other things.
I'll take chapters from some books (including the first chapter of the rewrite) and put it here. I'll also be writing some oneshots and bringing som elf my favorite oneshots here.

So if not for my birthday, then for my birthday of my books.
Happy birthday.

Also, I'll be posting at least once a day from the 10th- to 11:59 on the 17th.

I'll close off suggestions on the 16th.

So leave suggestions for anything you wanna see, even if it's just a crack chapter with a character doing something.

On my birthday, let me give to you all.

17th Birthday Special (all undertale stories)Where stories live. Discover now