My Shattered Soul Prologue

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This book is on archive but I decided to post what I've written so far in this book for fun so here it is:

They watched him dying, panic in their souls.
They didn't know what to do.
The newest member came up with the first idea.
It ended up being the idea they used. They didn't regret it, after all he lived through it. It was what they wanted,
At first at least. They thought it happened nicely.
They pulled away the part of his soul that was shattering. They took a shard that included some safe soul and removed it.
They did it in a safe way that was rather forgotten.
They forgot why it was safe.
Their friend ended up carrying a soul shard, a child made from the snarled soul of a monster.
The child, like most shards, was born the opposite gender of the parent.
Like most soul shards, she was an empath and emotionally connected to her father.
Like most soul shards, her father relied on her just as much as she did him. That was obviously because she was a part of his soul ripped away from him.

He was screaming as he chased his new enemies through the castle.
How dare they! They took her from him! He trusted them! They had been like family to him but not after this.
They were his enemies now. They just kidnapped his daughter.
If he snapped and became a monster, it was their blame.
If he hurt anyone because he was in constant pain from being separated from a piece of his soul, then they'd know it was their fault.

"I can't believe we just did that! The pain is gonna drive him mad! It's gonna drive that little girl mad! She's four!" The brighter one cried and the other looked down.
"He's not a good person... he tried to kill them, he tried to kill hundreds of people! She is an empath! It would drive her mad either way." The more colorful one was worried. Both were filled with guilt. The brighter one was scared because he saw the father of the shard as a brother. The colorful one was scared, absolutely terrified, because not only did he just break his morals but he just hurt a child and a broken adult. Guilt plagued his mind, even after they put the child into an eternal coma until they knew it was safe.

That guilt drove the colorful one mad. He ripped out his soul. Everyone thought he died and the bright one wiped his memory, hiding the girl so he wouldn't even remember her. The dark one, the father of the girl, was the only one left to remember what they did.

Of course they didn't realize that the comatose girl could still spector the world around them. She would watch everyone continue to descend into madness.

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