My Shattered Soul 2

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Her Eyes:

(Once again, the idea of Cree, Posi, and Negativity came from The Simple Series.)

"Is he okay?" The dark being heard from above him as he opened his eyes. Killer was staring at him and he smiled. He could see Horror fretting off to the side and he smiled a bit more. They cared.
"I'm fine, dear friend." He hummed.
"No. No you aren't 'brother'. You-" the lighter one, the one that saw his opposite as a brother cut himself off. The colorful one, his husband, sighed.
"What my love is trying to say is that you have a shard." He said simply and the dark one tensed. A shard?
"But that's-"
"The rarest form of monster reproduction. Yes," the brighter one whispered. For a moment they feared that he'd be angered but the darker grinned.
"It will most likely be a girl... heh... I'll most likely have a daughter." He grinned. The others watched but when the darkest one slowly pulled his soul out, a shard of his soul now surrounded by a small film outline making a tiny soul dangling off his own.
"Amazing..." he felt a hand on his shoulder.
"This could be a new beginning for you brother. I know that you hate what you've done in the past. This can be a chance to change." The brighter said and the darker nodded.
"A new chance. A new dawn... Aurora. It means dawn."

Dream felt shame fill his heart. He took his 'brothers' little girl. He thought it was the right thing. He could still remember the scared purple orbs of a four year old as she clung to her 'uncle'. She hadn't understood at first why he was running off with her. He still hadn't forgiven himself but it hurt more knowing that the guilt nearly cost him his love from the past.
When Nightmare approached them that day all those years ago, he reminded Dream. He had been carrying the newborn PJ and told Ink his name before Ink started attacking him. Dream convinced Ink to go make sure his son was okay. After that he approached Nightmare and the darker sparked his forgotten memories.

"Dream." Nightmare growled at his 'brother' as they fought.
"Why did you do it? Why kidnap Error and kill him? Why do all that just to give PJ back? What could you possibly gain from that?" Dream cried out.
"Maybe because I wanted Ink to feel what I did! I'm not a monster, I gave him back his child but I kept his love. It's not even half of what you two did to me! At least he punished himself back then! That's the only reason I gave back the boy and kept his love alive! He may think Error is dead and that's his punishment!" Nightmare screamed before grinning as Dream stumbled back.
That name didn't feel right. Not with all these memories of his days under a different name. These memories of the days when he was married to a soulful and loving skeleton named Cree.
"Seems I accomplished my goal. Bring her back to me and I'll return Error. I trust that you'll do the right thing, Posi."
Negativity- no, he changed his name to Nightmare when Aurora was born to enforce his idea of new beginnings- left after the lighter guardian remembered.
Dream swore that he'd find a way to get Error back. He never told Ink that the glitch was alive, he didn't want his previous love to spend all his time worried. Instead he decided to hunt down his journals, his still missing memories, and hope to find Aurora's location.

"Dream? It's late." Ink appeared at the library door and Dream tensed up.
"I'm fine Ink. I'll be going soon." He hummed but he knew Ink wasn't gonna take that.
"Yea right. What's going on? You've been like this since Nightmare took Error. What happened after you sent me off to make sure PJ was okay?" Ink asked and Dream tensed up.
"I can end this war that's been going once since Nightmare killed Error. Nightmare told me that day but uh- I can't find the one thing that helps. I'm hoping to look through my old journals to see if I wrote it down somewhere." Dream whispered as he slowly closed his journal.
"Oh... it's not worth five years of searching. This is my war Dream, not yours. I pushed this war because of what he did," Ink looked away, "he killed Error without allowing me to say goodbye. He kidnapped my pregnant lover and killed him. I never even got to say goodbye." Ink hissed. Dream frowned and gently reached for Inks hands.
"I know but- but something happened to him, something that made him bitter, I can't make up for it but this thing has left him in pain all the time. He's bitter about children. His daughter was taken from him... the only reason he brought PJ back is because he refuses to take a kid from their parents but- I have to find his daughter, I will make up for what I caused." Dream stood before he could hear Ink say anything. He flopped on his bed and fell asleep. He was exhausted.

"Uncle Posi!" He turned to see the purple eyed skeleton girl running towards him. This wasn't any memory he had.
"I've been watching over you all during my time in a coma. You snapped at Cree today and- if you wanted him to stay oblivious then you just messed up," watching Aurora was identical to watching a female passive Negativity. She was basically a clone- Wait, she was.
"What do you mean?"
"You told the person who tore out his soul after kidnapping me, about me. You're acting as if Cree won't start to remember who he was." She took a step away. Even after hundreds of years in a magical coma, she still looks younger.
"I'm warning you. Leave my dad alone." She started to disappear.
"Aurora Wait-"

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