Your Side of the Story

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This is a book I’m proud to say I’m working on slowly.
Here is the first chapter of Your Side of the Story:


Date: March 15.
Dream, Age 20.
Location: Police Department, Interrogation Room.


I sat outside the room. I knew that I would be the first interviewed as it started at Nightmare and mine’s sixteenth birthday party. I had to be the one they interviewed first anyways, since Nightmare was gone and they didn’t apparently give two shits about finding him.
“Dream Joku?” A police officer stepped out, holding a clipboard and I held my breath. Killer shifted to look at the officer and I grabbed his hand tightly, trying to get him to turn away.
“Dream Joku? You need to come in for questioning.” The officer stated more harshly and my breath hitched. That hadn’t been my name since Nightmare was taken. 
For a while I went by Gold Joku. After that I went by Gold Dream. That had been my name for a while and I was only called Dream by the people I knew before everything happened. 
It kinda hurt to go by that name. Dream carried bad memories but none as bad as my old last name. Joku burned my soul and I subconsciously tightened my grip on Killer. I guess he remembered how much it hurt, or just caught on to how it bothered me, because he squeezed my hand and spoke.
“He doesn’t go by that name anymore. It’s Gold Dream now.” Killed explained. I could sense in his tone that he was trying to keep a calm demeanor but it was mostly failing as anger slipped into his tone.
“Well, as he is still legally known as Dream Joku. That is what we were instructed to call him. Is just Dream okay?” The officer asked and slowly I nodded before standing. I felt Killer stand and I frowned. I knew he wouldn’t be able to come with me but that thought was uncomfortable.
“I’m sorry sir, but only Dream.” I heard Killer take a sharp intake and when I looked over at him, I could also see Blue squeezing his eyes shut. We hadn’t really been apart for long since everything happened.
“Kills, sweetheart, it’s okay. I’ll be okay.” I whispered, not wanting any extra drama, before kissing his cheekbone. Killer looked like he wanted to protest but I smiled before walking into the interrogation room.

“Now Dream? What exactly happened in these past four years?” The investigator asked as I sat down in the chair.
“Well, it’s rather obvious. My friend has committed over twenty crimes and then, once my brother was taken, I began to assist.” I explained calmly, leaning forward with a small smirk.
“So you admit that Error CQ was the main perpetrator and you assisted in some crimes.” The investigator pushed.
“Well I see no point in lying or hiding it. Yes. But Error started all this for a reason, you know.” I hummed. The investigator stared at me for a moment before looking down at the papers in his folder.
“No. Why did he do this?” He asked. I giggled and rolled my eyelights before snapping my fingers.
“I have an idea. How about I tell you my side of the story!” I hummed.
“And that would be?” He tried to push.
“Ahhh, you see. I won’t tell you unless you promise to listen to everyone’s sides, including Errors. I’ll even convince them to tell you the truth, just to make sure.” I hummed.
“And how do we know that you will truly tell us what happened?” He pressed and I rolled my eyelights again, leaning backwards.
“Because it won’t be me telling you, it will be my memories. You will see my story and my past will tell you what happened. After all, it happened on my 16th birthday, during my party.” I whispered.
“And how will you do this exactly? How can we trust that everything we will see is true?” The investigator asked as he stood up, placing a hand on the table.
“And what kind of idiot would I be if I lied? Not only would it dig me a deeper hole but it might risk my twins safety. Also, everyone involved was given artificial magic recently and it includes this ability to show our pasts. All I need is your approval.” I explained. He still seemed apprehensive but I just smiled.
“I can do it without your permission. You can choose where you want to go too. When should I start my story?” I asked. He leaned back and pulled up that folder again, looking at the papers within it.
“The beginning?” He asked, almost as if he was confused. I giggled and rolled my eyelights for yet another time.
“The beginning could be my birth, the beginning of that year, the beginning of that month, the beginning of that week, ect. What exactly do you want to know?” I folded my hands as magic began to form around my skull.
“The beginning of everything. I want to know what happened on your 16th birthday and everything that happened after.” He said, now sounding much more confident. I smiled at that.
“Well that is easier for me to achieve, now isn’t it? Now I can’t tell you everything, exactly, only everything that I witnessed and experienced. Technically, this started a week before my birthday but you’d have to question Error or his brothers for that information. I can just tell you what I saw, what I went through. Is that enough for you?” I asked as I moved the magic from around my skull into my hands.
“That is Fine. We already planned on questioning the others. Well just ask them to do the same. All we need from you, is Your Side of the Story.” The investigator sighed and I nodded.
“I will tell you everything I went through. I hope my information at least gives you a start. Maybe everything will start to make sense and with the other stories, you can figure out that I’m telling you the truth.” I slowly allowed the magic to fill the room and we both disappeared into the memories of my life.

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