My Shattered Soul 4

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Last chapter I've written so far
Sons and Daughters:

(This chapter is pretty intense. It took a while to work on but I hope you enjoy. This story is fun to write and I hope you enjoy Aurora because she's a character I adore writing.)
(I also deleted the notice chapter in this book because I hated how it messed with my word count and chapter count.)

Ink watched PJ run around his room. It wasn't the most entertaining thing to watch but it was his son he was watching. PaperJam was the only thing of his husband that Ink had left.
"Ink?" Dream peaked into the room and Ink smiled as he turned to face his friend.
"Hey Dream... what's up?" Ink tilted his head before his son ran to his side and burrowed his face in Ink's side.
"I... I think I should explain some of what I've been keeping secret." Dream whispered as he moved to sit next to Ink, patting PJ's head.
"A long time ago, Nightmare and I went by different names. He was Negativity and I was Posi. I married a third deity named Cree who ended his own life as punishment for what we did...
Night- Negativity is only the way he is because I did something to push him too far... he had a daughter. Her name was Aurora and she was a soul shard." Dream leaned his head back before looking to Ink. The creator was nodding and Dreams soul burned because he knew that Ink wasn't remembering anything in this.
"Cree and I... it was before Error existed and Negativity took that part of the Balance... Cree and I didn't understand that. We thought he was reverting back to his old and dangerous ways. We took Aurora. We had originally believed that we were protecting the child.
She was so upset that we put her in a coma to try and make it easier on her... Negativity, who had started going by Nightmare at the time, went mad and swore revenge, Cree realized it first that we had done something wrong. He ended his own life as punishment because in taking Aurora, we took a part of Negativity's soul and drove him mad... I had a son named Palette... after Cree lilled himself, I forcefully aged up Palette and sent him with Aurora's sleeping form to a distant place that not even I knew. After that I wiped my memory and became Dream.
I'm partially the reason Nightmare is as bad as he is now. Where I understand and take responsibility in knowing that taking Aurora drove him mad, I don't take responsibility for whatever he has done. He had a choice and he chose to hurt others." Dream looked over at Ink who still didn't seem to remember anything.
"I'm so sorry you kept this locked up so long. I'm so sorry I allowed you to keep this pain in..." Ink put a hand on his friends shoulder and Dream shut his eyes tight. He balled his fists.
"I only began to remember when we were fighting to get PJ back. I... I've kept a big secret from you and-"
"Don't tell me today Dream. Don't push yourself my friend. Tell me when you're ready." Ink lifted PJ onto his lap before smiling at his friend.
"Okay... I gotta get going Ink." Dream whispered before rushing out, in tears. His chest burned and his mind buzzed.


"Great... I've got work on my birthday." Palette grumbled as he left the small house he shared with Aurora's comatosed body. He turned backwards to unlock the door before sighing.
"Sure! Ma said. He aged me up and sent me away. Pick a random place! Ma said. He's just lucky he sent me to some place with a surface au as an option." Palette grumbled as he began to walk down the sidewalk towards his work. He didn't hate his life, he just wished he could have been a kid. He barely remembered his dad and his ma sent him away with his comatosed cousin that his parents kidnapped.
Now he didn't remember much about Aurora, he had been younger than her at the time, but he did care about her. Whenever he thought about his fate, he didn't blame her or her father, he blamed his own parents. He still spoke with her, via her dream traveling abilities, but besides that he spent most of his time alone.
"Heya!" He turned his head and smiled. A skeleton wearing a white hood and a red scarf. He was the closest think Palette had to a friend but he didn't even know his friends name.
"Hello." Palette nodded and the skeleton reached his side.
"What's up?" He asked.
"I'm heading to work." Palette hummed. The other skeleton nodded before smiling brighter.
"You know, I've never asked for your name. My name is Goth!" He hummed and Palette smiled.
"I'm Palette. I'd say 'nice to meet you' but we've known each other for many years now." He hummed and Goth laughed softly.
"You're right. Anyway, you're not naturally apart of this au, it already has a sans, so what are you doing here?" Goth asked as Palette neared the cafe were he worked.
"You aren't apart of it either, I gotta get to work so see ya Goth," Palette smiled and Goth nodded before turning and pulling out his phone as he hurried down the street.
"Hey dad? Yea. You know that kid Dream is looking for? I think I found him but I don't want Dream to know until I understand the situation. Can you keep Dream away from the surface au I visit a lot?" Goth whispered into the phone.
"Sure Goth... why?"
"Cause I think there is a whole lot more that's going on then what Dream explained. This kid isn't just a 'runaway'. He's been her for at least a hundred years, not five."

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