My Shattered Soul Bloopers 1

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(So I just realized that all the chapters said my Sheltered soul instead of Shattered so oops.
Also this is from my bloopers book) 

These bloops go from the prologue to Sons and Daughters. The bloopers aren’t in order but I’ll say which chapter they are from.
(And most of these have to do with the idea that the characters are acting as themselves so the actress for Aurora is also aurora but not in a coma)

Blooper #1- Mama’s Boy
Summary of blooper: PJ is a hard kid to work with and he can’t understand that he has to act like he doesn’t know his mom.
Chapter: Sons and Daughters
Ink watched PJ run around his room. It wasn’t the most entertaining thing to watch but it was his son he was watching. PaperJam was the only thing of his husband that Ink had left.
“Ink?” Dream peaked into the room and Ink smiled as he turned to face his friend.
“Hey Dream… what’s up?” Ink tilted his head before his son ran to his side and burrowed his face in Ink’s side.
“Daddy… I’m tired. I want Mama,” PJ breaks character as he looked up at his father. Dream began to laugh and Ink sighed.
“Not right now PJ. And remember? We are working. You call me Momma when we are at the stage.” Ink explained.
“But mama is in the break room.” PJ whispered.
“Heh. I know sweetheart but the character your acting as doesn’t know his mama. He thinks his mama is dead.” Ink hummed. Instantly PJ teared up.
“Mama is dead?!”

Blooper #2- Giggle Coma
Summary of Blooper: Palette is just trying to film a serious moment but Aurora can’t act comatosed to save her life.
Chapter: NightLight
Palette looked out the window of the small room he was in. After Cree tore out his soul, Posi forced his son's magic to age him up quickly. Palette lost most of his childhood, his freedom, and his parents on the same day. Before the next thought process could go through, giggles erupted from the ‘comatosed’ girl behind him. Palette snorted at the giggles.
“Cut!” The director threw up her arms and walked off. She was most likely just going to go rant and complain to Error and Ink. (The director is me btw and I have an obsession with Error and Ink. Mostly Error tho.)
“Aurora! You have to act like you are asleep!” Nightmare rushed over to his daughter and moved to sit her up. The girl, only 4, giggled more.
“Pally sounds so serious! NightLight, did you hear how serious he sounded? It’s so funny!” Aurora held up her arms to be picked up and Nightmare instantly swooped her up in his arms, nuzzling their ‘foreheads’ together which just made the girl giggle louder.
“I know princess but giggling is gonna make it harder to work.” Nightmare sat his daughter back down and the girl lifted back up her arms immediately, whining when she was set down.

Blooper #3- Papa Killer
Summary of Blooper: Aurora decides to spoil the Nightmare ship of the story and Killer has a melt down.
Chapter: NightLight
Aurora sat on Killer's lap as they watched a random kids cartoon. Nightmare had been out doing something that he told neither of them. Horror knew but as Killer was closer to Aurora, Nightmare kept him oblivious and told him to watch the child.
“Papa? When will NightLight be coming home?” Aurora asked and Killer looked down at the child, who had just turned 4, before shrugging.
Suddenly Aurora covered her mouth. Killer looked down at her before his sockets widened and he began laughing.
“Seriously!? CUTTTT! Aurora I swear!” The director stormed off again.
“I called you Papa when I was supposed to call you uncle!” Aurora giggled and Killer rolled his eyes.
“I will be your papa eventually in this but I’m your uncle right now sweetheart.” Killer hummed and the girl began giggling again.
“I think imma cause all the bloopers!”
“I bet you will Rory.”

Blooper #4- RUDE
Summary of Blooper: Aurora causes more bloopers when she’s listening in on scenes she’s not in.
Chapter: Every Day 
“I guess they didn’t protect it like they do her. We found it in some old abandoned Star Shit’s storage.” Horror piped up and Nightmare smiled. This object did nothing to take away the pain that those two forced upon him when they took a legit piece of his soul that had become his daughter.
“DON'T CALL THEM THAT! RUDE!” Aurora, who had apparently escaped her uncle Dream and had been watching the scene, screeched when Horror called the, the ‘Star Shits.’
“I swear! NIGHTMARE! CONTROL YOUR CHILD BEFORE I TAKE HER OUT OF THIS STORY!” The Director stood up and shoved over her chair before storming off. Aurora flinched when the chair hit the floor.
“Sorry Author…” she whispered but the director, aka me, was too far away to hear the child.
“Rory!” Dream yelped as he ran over, calling Aurora by her nickname which was Rory. The girl looked up at her uncle and smiled softly.
“Hiya Uncle Dream…” Aurora whispered.
“Don’t you dare run off again!” Dream swooped at the child and carried her away.

Blooper #5- Dream Can’t Be Serious
Summary of Blooper: Dream messes up his words and ends up breaking character. The Author/Director just wants her actors to stop goofing off so she can finish the chapter.
Chapter: Sons and Daughters
“Cree and I… it was before Error existed and Negativity took that part of the Balance… Cree and I didn’t understand that. We thought he was reverting back to his old and dangerous ways. We took Aurora. We had originally believed that we were protecting the child.
She was so upset that we put her in a coma to try and make it easier on her… Negativity, who had started going by Nightmare at the time, went mad and swore revenge, Cree realized it first that we had done something wrong. He ended his own life as punishment because in taking Aurora, we took a part of Negativity’s soul and drove him mad… I had a son named Palette… after Cree killed himself, I forcefully aged Palette pup-“ Dream suddenly began cracking up, realizing he said Palette Pup instead of ‘up Palette.’
“My god! I quit!” The author threw a book at Dream before storming away.
“Wait- author!” Ink called.
“Nope! I might be back tomorrow or I might not! I don’t give a shit anymore!” I left and the actors began laughing again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2020 ⏰

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