My Shattered Soul 3

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"Negativity?" Posi watched his brother walk around quickly. When he said his brother's name, Killer and Horror coughed awkwardly.
"I'm not going by that anymore brother, to add to my new start, I want a better name. We talked,- Killer, Horror, and I- we thought Nightmare was a better name. It's not crazy far from Negativity but it's better." He hummed and Posi nodded.
"It's nice. Either way, what's got you so worried?" Posi asked and Nightmare tensed up before looking towards the nursery.
"She was coughing a lot this morning, it got to the point where she wasn't eating. We called Sci in but-" He was slowly panicking and Posi sighed. This was supposed to be the first time he met Aurora as she was born just a month ago.
"Well it was something we knew to expect. The shard that she's from was a dusting piece of Nightmare's soul that we tore out. He's just worried." Killer explained before moving to usher Nightmare over to sit down.
"Everything is gonna be okay. I'm sure of it. She's a sickly child, we expected it." Horror added on although it was mostly so he could help calm Nightmare. Nightmare just nodded.
"Yes, in fact, everything is okay. I'm gonna supply you with some soul stabilizers but she should be able to live easily without them by the time she's two." Sci walked out, handing the child back to her father.
"Thank you, I'm sorry I called you out so quickly," Nightmare whispered calmly whilst looking down at Aurora.
"She is the first soul shard in my entire lifetime, even more than that. Don't apologize, no one knows how to handle it anymore." Sci explained and the dark one just smiled.
"Thank you again Sci. So much."

"Happy second birthday Aurora!" Posi stood at the door of his opposite's castle and he grinned when his 'niece' saw him.
"Uncie!" She ran forward and Posi caught her quickly, swinging the toddler around before she was pulled away from Posi. Cree was now holding the kid as he lifted her onto his shoulders.
"Uncie! Uncie!" Aurora squealed as they walked inside. Cree laughed as he held her on his shoulders, Posi leaning against him.
"Hey Night!" Posi called when he saw his 'brother'. Night grinned over at them. As soon as Aurora noticed that her father was looking at her, she reached for him to take her from Cree.
"Hey baby." Nightmare laughed as the girl hugged him.
"NightLight." She mumbled and Nightmare hummed. Posi nearly choked at the nickname and stared at him in shock.
"NightLight?" Posi whispered.
"She doesn't understand why they call me Nightmare but I told her she can't call me by my name because I'm her dad. After that she renamed dad as NightLight. Basically NightLight is her form of saying dad." Nightmare laughed. After a moment of processing what the other had said, Posi began to awe whilst his husband died laughing.
"NightLight," Aurora mumbled again from Nightmare's arms, her voice edging on a whimper of pain. Her father smiled sadly. He knew what was going on.
"I know princess. I know," he moved to nuzzle his daughter before moving to put her down. She looked up at him for a moment before giggling as he hid his own aura.
"What was that?" Posi asked.
"She's an empath. When she starts to mumble and whine, my aura is becoming too much for her." Nightmare explained and Posi frowned. This was yet another strange thing he had just learned about his brother.

Aurora sat on Killer's lap as they watched a random kids cartoon. Nightmare had been out doing something that he told neither of them. Horror knew but as Killer was closer to Aurora, Nightmare kept him oblivious and told him to watch the child.
"Uncle? When will NightLight be coming home?" Aurora asked and Killer looked down at the child, who had just turned 4, before shrugging.
"He took your uncle Horror with him when he headed out. I'm sure he'll be back soon." Killer whispered and Aurora stared at him a moment.
"You're worried." She whispered and Killer rubbed the top of her skull.
"Ya I am, kiddo." He hummed.
"My Daddy will be back soon, I just know it!" Aurora giggled, trying to help Killer calm down. It didn't actually help the adult but it did make him smile.
"I hope so sweetheart, I hope so." He moved her off his lap and stood up. Aurora watched him for a moment before she relaxed back into the couch. Killer smiled at her.
"Hey kiddo, want to eat something?" He asked and Aurora perked back up, leaning forward.
"Mac n cheese!" She cheered. Killer laughed but went into the kitchen to get her favorite meal. Aurora could still feel his worry but it was overrun by his joy. It made her smile more. She made him happy like she did plenty of other people. She was a very joyful kid.

"NightLight!" Aurora perked up before the door opened, her bowl of food nearly falling off her lap before Killer snatched it. She ran to the door and threw it open. As soon as she did, her hands fell.
"You're scared and upset... you feel guilty... NightLight... daddy... what did you do?" She asked as Nightmare walked in, his whole body dropping to hug his daughter. Aurora leaned against him but tensed when he began to sob against her shoulder.
"Daddy?" She whispered. Nightmare let out a sob. She never called him that unless she was scared, worried, or upset.
"I'm so sorry. I'm so so so sorry." He whispered and Aurora just hugged him tighter.
"Night... you didn't?" Killer could practically smell the death radiating off Nightmare and Horror.
"They threatened her life, Horrors life, and yours. It was a danger to the entire multiverse. I'm the only one that can destroyer Au's since they aren't working on finding that au destroyer. I had to. The multiverse is becoming too full." Nightmare whispered.
"You know exactly what will happen when they find out. What will they do to Aurora if Posi and Cree see you as a threat!?" Killer snapped. Nightmare looked down at his daughter.
"I won't let them," He whispered.
"Don't act like we don't care about her Night! Hell, I see her as a daughter! You can't put her in danger like this!" Killer yelled.

Posi smiled at his brother, fake joy radiating off him. Aurora was playing with Palette who was maybe a year old at most. Cree was over there with them, playing with his niece and son.
"Posi please understand. I'm not a danger to her!" Nightmare whispered, practically begging. Posi smiled.
"I know brother. After all, I'm here with Cree and I's son. Do you think we would bring him here if we didn't trust you?" Posi asked and Nightmare knew the answer.
"Yes... please Posi, just don't take my little girl... please." He begged and his brother nodded.
"I won't Night, don't worry," Posi lied before standing to go walk over to his husband, son, and niece.

Posi held the girl as he ran through the hallway, Cree holding off anyone else around them.
"Posi!" Nightmare screamed and Aurora looked back at her dad for a moment, wondering why he was upset. Suddenly it hit her that her dad hadn't known about this sleepover.
"DADDY!" Aurora screamed as Cree, who was holding Palette, opened a portal. Nightmare let out a heart wrenching scream as they disappeared through the portal.

Palette looked out the window of the small room he was in. After Cree tore out his soul, Posi forced his son's magic to age him up quickly. Palette lost most of his childhood, his freedom, and his parents on the same day. Posi sent Palette and Aurora's sleeping body away before wiping his memory. Now Palette has been watching the comatosed girl for hundreds of years, begging for the day his parents came to find him.

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