FtF Rewrite 1; Home

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Rewritten by me
Edited by undertaleshits
(Unlike the original version, I won’t glitch out Error’s voice. He will only start glitching when he gets really enraged.)

Error didn’t remember much of his past but that hadn’t ever bothered him. His life, his whole world, revolved around his current life, his current day to day activities. 
Blue strings covered the sky of his home. The Antivoid. His home didn’t really have a sky, it was just white emptiness forever, but he called it a sky.
To most monsters, the strings probably seemed halfheartedly placed. To most monsters, Error's section of the Antivoid was one big mess. To Error, it was his home. It was the first thing he remembered and it was the only home he ever knew.

Wrapped in a cocoon of blue strings, Error was barely visible, only his face being seen and even then it was overshadowed by loose strings that dangled in front of his eyes. When one would get closer, they would learn that Error seemed content in the blue strings. In fact, at this moment, the destroyer seemed rather annoyed and impatient, sinking into his cocoon.
“When is that idiot getting here? It’s been an hour since he promised to arrive,” the destroyer grumbled to a puppet that looked almost identical to his best, and only, friend. He didn’t hear the portal when it opened. He only noticed the portal when he saw his own friend standing in front of him.
“Is that any way to speak of your great and magnificent friend?” the blue scarfed figure teased as he smirked at the cocooned destroyer. Error grinned before slowly trying to break out of his cocoon. He reminded himself to try and calm down before moving forward to greet his friend. He realized, halfway through his approach, that he was still up in the sky. Blue strings still surrounded him, keeping him in the air. With an awkward smile, Error began to slowly lower himself to his dear friend.
“Happy birthday Blue,” Error allowed a grin to bypass his mental guards. With that grin, Error showed his friend a bit of the emotions he was usually uncomfortable sharing.
“Heh. Thanks, my magnificent friend!” Blue twiddled his fingers, practically vibrating with pent up energy. Error recognized that energy and took a deep breath. Blue desperately wanted to hug his glitchy friend, but he knew his affection could do harm.
“It’s nothing. Most friends would celebrate one another’s birthdays,” Error watched Blue closely, noticing each clench and unclench of the swap sans’ fists. Error took a deep breath, an idea coming to his attention, as he desperately tried to calm his glitches. Blue watched with interest for a moment before his sockets widened.
“This is a one-time thing okay? It’s your birthday. Think of this as your gift.” Error slowly raised his shaking arms up in the motion for a hug. Blue’s breath hitched and he came running forward, hugging Error tightly. 
The haphephobia plagued skeleton began to shake and glitch but continued to hug his friend. Blue nearly sobbed when Error hugged back and soon the pair were hugging in silence, neither wanting to speak or break up the moment.
“Best birthday present ever,” Blue whispered. 
Now usually, Error could have at least chuckled. He enjoyed Blue’s humor. This wasn’t usual, not in the least. Now, Error was zoning out. He hadn’t exactly crashed but coding flashed across his sockets and he seemed distant.

“What is this?” Empty eyes looked up at him as he tightened his grip.
“It’s called a hug.” He explained and the destroyers faced scrunched up.
“You are very strange Creator.” He whispered.
“Please. You know me already. You can call me-“

Blue waved a hand in Error’s face, having pulled away from the hug a few moments prior. Error seemed to finally snap out of it. His face almost fell with a bit of heartache when he realized that he was no longer hugging his friend. Blue seemed to notice his sad expression and smiled.
“You were glitching out. Like really bad. I can hug you again later okay? When you’re feeling better and calmer,”  Blue hummed, smiling at his friend. Error wanted to say more but his brain returned to what he saw.
 He couldn’t remember the face he was looking at but it reminded him of home. When he thought back to it for a moment, it made him feel sad. Not a heartbroken kind of sad. It was closer to a melancholy ache that he couldn’t understand. He missed whoever that face belonged to, that much he understood.
“Error?” Once again Blue was waving a hand in Error’s face, a worried smile just barely gracing his features.
“I’m okay,” Error grumbled, giving a small smile to his dearest friend.
“That’s good!” Blue hummed, leaning back for a moment. The antivoid quickly fell back into silence, the pair both content to just sit next to each other. After about thirty minutes, Blue’s ‘stomach’ growled.
“Uhh,” Blue mumbled and Error smiled.
“I could use some food. Muffet's?” Error asked and Blue grinned. He stood up from where he had been sitting and nodded.
“Yes!” Blue watched as a string wrapped around his wrist promptly after. It was Error's way of holding hands most of the time. When the portal opened, Error walked in first and Blue happily hopped through after him. The string stayed there to connect them until they were seated at the dinner. 
The pair of friends, more like brothers in many ways, both sat and talked, happy with their day so far.

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