My Shattered Soul 1

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Every Day:

Ink laughed as he ran to catch his son in his arms. PaperJam squealed and squiggled in his 'moms' arms. Ink felt his heart momentarily ache before he smiled again, hiding his pain.
He wasn't PaperJam's mother, he was the boy's father. Inks' lover, his dearest Error, had been PaperJams mother but PaperJam had never had the pleasure of meeting his real mother before Nightmare killed Error.
Of course Nightmare hadn't actually killed Error, but no one else knew that.
Ink smiled as PaperJam looked up at him.
"Momma! You're hugging too tight!" PaperJam didn't seem truly bothered by Inks tight grip but he still warned the creator.
"Oh... sorry sweetheart." Ink mumbled before leaning to kiss his son's foreskull.
"You were thinking about papa again, weren't you?" PaperJam was a smart kid. He called Error papa. That had always been something that brightened Inks day a bit when he heard it.
"Yea, yea I was sweetheart... You remind me a lot of him." Ink adjusted his grip on PJ so the child, no older than four, could face him.
"Can you tell me about papa? Stories like the ones from my picture books?" PaperJam asked and Ink couldn't refuse.
"Okay. Let's head to the den okay?" Ink set PaperJam down and the pair began their walk through Dreams castle.
After Error and Ink fell in love, the Star Sans stopped being warriors. The last battle they fought was the one to get PJ from Nightmare. That was the first time Ink saw his son and one of the last times Ink saw Dream.
In the last years, Dream hid himself away. When he wasn't in his room, he was in the library reading through his old journals from a time neither remembered.
They all lived in the castle. The castle existed in the omega timeline so it was safe. The safe option had always been the best.
"Here we are," Ink opened the door to the den and his son ran instantly to the tiny cupboard were they hid snacks.
"Story!" PaperJam squealed as Ink sat on the couch.
"Yea PJ, stories."

Ink watched Error move around the nursery, smiling happily. Ink loved Error's smile because it was something he hadn't seen until the fighting stopped. He had never seen the smile until the Star Sans began to promote peace.
"Excited?" Ink smiled and Error turned to face his husband, eyes burger with joy. Ink felt his non existent soul flutter again. He knew that his love for Error was fabricated but that thought hadn't bothered him in a long time. He just focused on Error's joy.
"Of course! Only two more weeks Inky!" Error chirped.
"Yea... two more weeks." Ink moved closer to Error although both began laughing at the growls that came from Ink.
"I'll be right back Ruru, I'm gonna go get some food. Want anything?" He asked and Error shook his head.
Ink was walking back up when he heard the crash. He dropped everything once he recognized the location of the crash and the scream that followed, the nursery.
That was the last time Ink saw Error.

Nightmare looked across the room at Killer and Horror who were speaking quietly. A day like this, on the anniversary of something so horrid, was something no one spoke about. Killer and Horror had been there on the original day.
"Nightmare." Killer walked over, holding a small purple box.
"Whatever it is Killer, it can wait. This is the anniversary of when those backstabbers took her. I don't need a present. I need-"
"Open it boss." Killer whispered although the fear was so strong Nightmare almost laughed. He decided to humor the skeleton and opened the box. The box quickly tumbled to the ground but the contents stayed in his hands.
"How did you find this? They took it when they took her-"
"I guess they didn't protect it like they do her. We found it in some old abandoned Star Shit's storage." Horror piped up and Nightmare smiled. This object did nothing to take away the pain that those two forced upon him when they took a legit piece of his soul that had become his daughter.
The one good thing it did? It gave him hope because in his hands was proof that he might see his daughter again. Aurora's crown, his daughter crown, his little dawn. For the first time in the hundreds of years since she was taken, he had hope.
"Thank you..." Nightmare touched the crown like it'd crumble to dust at any moment.

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