Chapter 13: The Situation of Mestiire Sekravos

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Incidence Report: The Loss of Cerella and the Acquisition of Target: Lilac Mellows

Dated: 18th of 2nd Type Lunar Revolutions, Iteration 4 in the year 2452

Author: Manager Mestiire, Chief of the Manager System of the Sekravos family

On the eve of the 15th, within the dated month, loss of control over monitor drones was observed by Hirkri Castellos, the technological overseer. At that time, it was theorised that the latest software update conflicted with current programming as the update originated from the Ruling faction of Ouroboros warring city-states, an ally of the Sekravos family. The Ruling Faction was known for its brutality, and it was concluded that the drones could not differentiate between peaceful and forceful priorities.

No further abnormalities were reported until the hour 19:58 when the monitoring capabilities of the drones were cut off. Technological malfunctions were also observed in everyday appliances connected to the internet. By this time, there was suspicion that a rival family had hacked into the central controller of Cerella. Citizens were advised to disconnect technology from the internet.

30 minutes later, the clean-up drones were deployed on the streets. During this time, the Great Fence was forcefully deactivated, and the city was slowly overrun by the Trash class. All technological appliances still connected to the internet were reportedly hostile against all identified living beings. The situation was as The Inquisitor warned two years ago. My brother and I were in the middle of our escape.

By the time we reached Tyzia Street, a message from The Inquisitor had given us the fastest route to escape. On the way was the promised target, Lilac Mellows.

Mestiire paused as he heard the door behind him swing open with a creak.

"Manager Mestiire, I've come to deliver the report on the detailed analysis of the drones."

Mestiire turned around and faced the scrawny man in a long white coat. He nodded. "Go on."

The man gestured to the air, bringing up a large, white holoscreen. At another flick of the fingers, words and diagrams appeared in a flash.

Mestiire leaned forward and scanned the information with a few blinks. His mind whirled as the contents were quickly broken down and processed.

"You're saying that someone initiated the Animalia declaration without authorisation? Are you telling me someone managed to break through many security layers and control the drones from the inside?"

There was a moment of silence before the man nodded.

The Manager pinched the bridge of his nose. "Why was this not detected before?"

The man waved his hand once more. The words on the holoscreen changed.

"As you can see, there were no abnormalities with the declaration itself. The machines themselves were not faulty either until they got out of control. Everyone who was part of the technology team was accounted for."

Mestiire raised his brow. "But?"

The man looked down. "But we don't know who approved the download of the updated software and who approved the sending out of the drones."

"Can you not trace the digital signature? There has to be something."

The man shook his head. "We've tried everything, but the person responsible might as well be a ghost. As far as the tests are concerned, they never existed in the first place."

Mestiire sighed. He stared at the holoscreen, scrutinising the details of each word and diagram. He waved his hand.

"Thank you for bringing this to my attention. Go back and continue working on the other thing I assigned."

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