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Why do I keep thinking back to him? It's not like I'm going to see him again. God, Peach, you see an attractive guy that you don't see as a brother one time and you can't stop thinking about him. Stop, damnit.

That was all I could think about while I was upstairs. I was sent to my room while everyone down stairs talked with Sheriff Keller. I didn't know what was going on, but Betty and Jug were in trouble for something.

I decided I wanted to text Toni, I don't think she was at the fight, I don't even know if she wanted to talk to a Northsider right now, but I just wanted to make sure they were okay. If she ignored me, I'd understand.

But I really wanna know if that guy was alright.


Hey, I wanted 2 know if everything is ok with the Serpents and the fight.

No 1 seriously hurt?

I stared at my phone screen for a second, before I locked it and tossed it. I stretched in my bed and sat up, cuddling the same bear Betty was a week ago when she asked for help with Pop's.

Why is this happening? Hasn't everyone experiences enough death? Why can't we have normal events in this town? Like, finding a lost neighbor hood cat, not decypher a killer's hit list.

My thoughts were interupted by my phone dinging.


Every 1 is fine,
peach, we're not
fragile, this isn't
our first fight lol

were u @ the fight??

yeah i was, kind of.
i was @ red's when
every 1 showed.
those leather jackets
look sick in the rain btw

did u happen to
see a tall serpent?
dark, messy hair, our

uh, yea, y?

u made an impression
pinky. he saw u
helping some serpents
up. not to mention what
u did at pop's. u're
making a name 4 urself
down here

lol. i'm glad every 1's
in 1 piece.

Why do I feel, happy? Or, more like, excited? That the Serpents know me, and think of me somewhat highly? Is that a good thing?

Maybe it's because he remembered you.

Fuck. That's it.

I didn't have enough time to wallow in my boy troubles, there was a knock on my door.

"Sandra, I'm coming in."

I sighed, tossing my phone on my pillow behind me.

"Yeah, go ahead."

Even though she already had the door open halfway before I could say anything, she walked in with her arms crossed. My yellow fairy lights couldn't mask the redness in her face.

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