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"Well, you coming over here or not, Peach?" Toni called out. I laughed a bit, grabbing my milkshake and made my way to their booth, which was easy to find considering it was early, six in the morning, and the breakfast rush didn't start until eight-ish. The diner was empty except for Toni and her friends, myself, and a cute elderly couple who were having breakfast together.

I seemed to get anxious as I approached. I don't know why, everything was fine. But for some reason my hands were sweating a little, so I walked with both hands on the glass containing my liquid addiction.

Sliding my way next to Toni, placing my milkshake on the table, which was pointless as Toni had taken it out of my hands and drank from it.

"Why do you get all the chocolate?" she sulked.

"Chocolate has been a healthy part of my food intake since I was eating solid food. My survival depends on it. You should write this down in case of emergencies."

"I can agree with that," added the unknown guy sitting beside Dark and Handsome, what I'll be calling him until I get his name.

I smile and offer him some, to which he took his straw out from his soda cup and into my milkshake to chug.

We all looked at him in disbelief.

"I don't think you needed to straw, Fangs," chuckled Dark and Handsome.

"Fangs?" I repeat. "That's one badass name."

Toni jumped in her seat and clapped her hands. "Right, introductions fellas. This knucklehead that drank a quarter of your shake in one breath—"

"Fangs Fogarty. Nice to meet ya," he finished off, nodding his head in my direction. His hair was dark and unkept. His eyes equally if not more so.

"-and this brooding buzz kill is..." Toni led off, letting the man speak his own name.

He was eyeing me over again. We made eye conact yet again, I still can't get over how pretty his eyes are. He lounged back, throwing his arm over the back of the booth, that action alone had my attention.

Good Lord, that was the hottest thing I've seen with my own eyes.

"Sweet Pea."

Short. Simple. Hot. Just the way he said it made my mind into a slushie. How could he effectively do this to me, this is the second time we've ever spoken.

"Huh, Sweet Pea. That's a cool name."

That's a cool name, c'mon Peach! That sounded so dumb. I sound dumb. I don't wanna talk for the rest of my living days.

"And who might you be, mystery girl with a sugar addiction?"

I smile shyly. "I'm Peach, call me Peachy."

"Or yours," Toni coughed from under her breath, which seemed to be the thing that brought me back to the real world. I looked at her and elbowed her, to which she only laughed at.

"So why are you called Peach? Trying to copy us, hmm?" Fangs teased. I grinned a little.

"Totally." I rolled my eyes playfully and sipped my milkshake, or what was left of it after Fangs got his fangs out of it.

The three of them seemed to laugh at me.

"But why are you called Peach? I've been curious ever since we first met at Jones'. That's not your real name, right?" Toni questioned.

"Ah, well. My real name will not be spoken, because I hate it with a passion for no reason. I was four years old, sitting in this diner, I think it was this booth actually. I was here with my dad and sisters after their ballet lessons. I needed a pick me up, so I asked my dad if I could have a chocolate loaded milkshake. He said no, but Pop's over heard and made me it anyway. After giving us our food, he looked at me and said-"

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