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** i'm going to put a trigger warning here, it's mention of s*xual a**ult. if you're uncomfortable or don't think you're okay to read it, i will put a line of bolded astericks (these things—> ******) before the paragraph and after. skip whatever is inside of it. if you do read it and feel upset after, please take a break, read something else, and drink some water. i'm here if you need anything :))**

"People of Riverdale. I have rid this town of the drug-dealing, child killer and others like him. Now you must choose your fate. The next fourty-eight hours will be a test, and I will be watching you very closely. Show you are pure of heart, and my work ends. Continue to sin, and I will take up the sword again."

One of the most chilling things I've read. Someone in Riverdale has a God Complex, and sees themself as the one who should fix what they deem broken.

While Riverdale is far from perfect, the Black Hood is playing the judge, jury and executioner. Like some twisted game. "Play by my rules or never play again." That's what this screams.

But what if we never wanted to play in the first place?

The day we got the letters was a blur for me.

I got home from Sweet Pea's a little past midnight. No one was downstairs waiting for me, no one was going to scold me for being out hours past curfew and being God knows where. Nothing. Instead, a cold, empty, dark living room, and the rhythmic sounds of snoring.

I distinctly remember, there was nothing on the front door when I was home. And when I woke up at eleven in the morning, there was a letter on the kitchen table, Mom was talking to Dad how she woke up this morning to go do the grocery shopping at nine o'clock like always, and the note was there.

I would've asked them more questions, but when I tried to speak, Mom cut me off, or ignored me entirely. Dad kept giving me disapointing looks, but at least he actually aknowledged me.

They never treated Betty like this. Why the hell is my situation any different?

Sometime in those nine hours that the town peacefully slept, possibly for the last time, someone managed to hand-deliver Riverdale's threat. The moat chilling thing to me, I have absolutely no idea when they were handed out. He could've followed me home, he could've seen me leave Sweet's and hurt him.

I stayed in my room all day, only leaving when I had to. No one talked to me, no one answered my texts. It was as if I never even exsisted. Riverdale ran around in their terrified ways, and I was just an extra in their set. It was horrible, and something I'd never wish on anybody.

• • •

Walking the halls in my usual black monochrome outfit, I found Cheryl Blossom attached to my arm.


"Hello there, Pretty Peachy. I just came to check up on you."

Linking our arms together and walking through the front doors of Riverdale High, I turn my head to look at her, "Oh? I'm okay, why do you ask?"

"Well..." she leans in closer to me, "I heard from a little birdy that you defended me yesterday when your Mother Gothel held that misfit get together, you defended me. And then you got yourself arrested."

I chuckle a little, "Technically, I was only detained. I didn't do anything illegal."

She pulled us to a stop at her locker, "Still. I wanted to thank you. Someone could've pinned the whole thing on me, but you saved me, in a way."

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