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"Hey, Peachy, finish your water," Toni said to me.

I was sitting in the infamous bar, the Whyte Wyrm. It was everything Fangs, Toni and Pea said it was. It had this atmosphere to it that just seemed to draw you to it's grungey doors. The aroma of various alcohols, weed, leather and petrol made for an interesting stay, one that seemed to rock me to sleep.

After the Phone Call of Death, as I'm calling it, I stayed on FaceTime with Toni for hours as she helped me sleep. Talking to me and keeping my mind off of what I saw an hour before and what I heard as Pop's repeated what the Devil said. She picked me up in the morning and drove me straight to the Wyrm, and I didn't miss the dirty look my mother gave Toni and I from the window.

I sat up and sipped my water. I looked ober to see Jug typing away on his laptop.

He must've come in when I was dozing off.

"What'cha writing, FP number three?"

"Some gross romance novel. You won't like it if you didn't like 365 days."

I cringed at the name of the movie that gave me nightmares.

I only got through half of that shit show and it still manages to make me cringe.

"What's the name of the book?"

"Varchie," he says, looking over his shoulder with a look that said "Don't ask me anymore about this, please. I know too much already."

I made a fake gag gesture, which made Jug chuckle as he turns back in his chair and I turn to see Toni walking around and working the bar.

"Aren't you too young to be a bartender," I tease.

"I told you to stop hitting on me, Peachy."

I smiled and sipped on more of my water, "Okay, I'll stop. But only if you trade out my water for whiskey."

She turned and gave me a look, and went to grab the whiskey bottle, "Toni, stop I'm joking!" I laugh out, "Man you really wanna curb me, huh?"

She laughs as she goes to mix more drinks for the Serpents around us, "You're the reason no girls wanna shoot their shot. They think that you're my girlfriend."

"And we all know that that would be so terrible."

"Ugh, the worst."

We held our straight faces for a second before doubling over and laughing.

I miss laughing like this.

"Uh, Peachy, hate to get in the middle of your love fest but I'm meeting Betty at Pop's, you want a ride there?"

I sigh, downing the rest of my water. "I guess. Bye, Toni, I'll text you later. I promise to not hit on you for the rest of the day," I smile out as I hop off the bar stool.

Jug and I walked out, side by side. "When'd you and Betty make up?"

"The Drag Race, kind of."

I nod and patted his shoulder, "If she does it again, let me know and I'll knock her on her ass."

He laughs at me and hands me his helmet.

"You'd probably do it anyway."

"Well, I mean, yeah, but having an excuse to is way smarter."

• • •

So I ditched Jug. Kind of. I know, that isn't very cash money of me to do, but I really don't want to be near Betty.

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