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I did in fact, get my ass beat in pool. It was worth the hit to my pride, Sweets was in his zone, and it was amazing watching him. How the sweat would glide down his face slowly, his face set in pure concentration.

As I said. Worth it.

Now, I was lounging on the couch downstairs back at home, looking at my lockscreen. A picture I secretly took of Sweet Pea when he wasn't looking. Standing tall, laughing at something one of the other Serpents said.

Betty was scuffling around the house looking for her purse. A little frantic.

"Where..." she moved from the kitchen to the living room, "...the hell..." she jogged over to the front door, checking under coats and on hooks, "...is it?!"

"Hey, Betty?"

Spinning on her heels, she glares at me, "What?"

I smirk and point my hand over towards the kitchen stools, and the seat she left in on.

"Oh thank goodness!" She sighs, grabbing it before walking out the front door.

"'Thank you so much, Peachy! Oh, you're welcome, Betty!" I mocked, taking another loving look at my lockscreen before a text pops up.



ofc. omw cutie <3

s.p. does not approve >:(

that sucks for him </3

I laughed as I laced up my boots. Seconds later a new text comes in.

Pea Brain

that was mean :((

i'm sorry, but my 1 true luv is

and i was gonna buy u
chocolate milk.

guess i'll give it 2 fangs

u wouldnt dare

oh i would :))

That's a very passive aggresive smiley face.

• • •

"Ah, the angel has arrived!" Fangs yells out when I walked in.

"Angel? Why's that?"

Walking closer, I see the three, large chocolate milk cartons littered around the bar counter

"'You wouldn't dare'," Sweet Pea mocked.

I smirked and sat in the empty seat he left for me, "Joke's on you, you bought them but he still calls me the angel."

Chuckling, Toni throws an empty straw wrapper at me from behind the counter.

"Can Miss Angel tell me if she's busy this weekend?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2021 ⏰

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