"You Hear Her voice Don't you?"

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Alexandra's POV

"Miss Stuart. Stay." The teacher calls to me as everyone makes there way to the door after the sound of the lunch bell. What the hell did I do now?

 It's only half way through the first day. And as far as I know all I've done is set a prank for the wonderful Queen Bee. Oh ..... That may be the problem. Whatever.  Nothing more then a normal day at Ridge Wood  High. 

"Yes Mr. Moore."  I gritted through my teeth.  He's the Math teacher. God I hate math. Hate the teacher too. I've been in his Algebra class since my start at Ridge Wood. But then again the feeling is mutual. He would do anything to get me into pre- Calc or any other math class. But If I'm being honest  I really hate ALL school.

"Miss Stuart. I know that in the past we have been .......not on good terms." I smirk at the memory of the pranks pulled last year. Superglue to the seat. Classic. "I am hoping that with this being your senior year that we will put the past behind us." 

"Sure. We wouldn't want to have repeat of  dye in our shampoo bottle. Would we?" See I'm also the schools prankster. hehe fun times. I was hoping deep down that he knew i wasn't going to stop the fights, pranks and ditching class. Its not like I'm a bad student. I actually am a really good one but I stopped being the good girl Lexi when my biological Parents decided a girl would be too much of a hassle and put me in the system after signing their rights away, when I was only three years old. It wasn't until the start of freshmen year that I stopped being the broken loner who got moved from house to house and became the B A S S A S S that I am today. That was also when I met my one and only friend Isabella. I made a guy go to the hospital after a fight that started because he laughed at the blood stain on her pants from her period. She was grateful and I lent her my flannel so she could cover the spot. A flannel that I have yet to get back. She knows about my street fights and races. But not about my parents or what happened behind the closed door of the foster home I was sent to. No one would know that. I vowed that to myself when I came to live with the Stuarts. 

"Well that will be all Miss Stuart. You can go now." HIs voice broke me from my thoughts. I gave him a nod to show I understood but kept my face blank as it always is unless I'm pissed then you'll know. I walked out to the room and to my locker where Bella was waiting for me. She wasn't like me and my badass ways. She was your typical Good girl. Good grades. Good parents. Great little sister who I adore. 

"Hey bella. What's up?" Right when I asked that i saw the schools Queen bitch/slut of the school,  Chloe, walk up to her locker where i have a little surprise for her. Might as well start early on. right? "oh Bell watch this. " I nodded my head in Chloe's direction. Right when she opened her locker bright neon green paint was spelled all over her. The look on her face was priceless. I took out my phone and quickly snapped a picture while the look of pure shock and anger was still there. Right when she heard the click of my phone her head snapped in my direction. 

"You! You did this didn't you?!"she practically screamed. My smirk was all she needed to know what I was the reason. "you just until my daddy hears about this." Her father was the football couch and gym teacher. But if I'm being completely honest he couldn't give a lesser fuck about her then he does now. Believe me. I take boxing with the man. He'd give me congrats that I did this. but I'm not gonna say that. 

"Which one? Your biological father or one of football player that you fucked last week?" I retort my face still a void of emotion. She scoffed and walked off to the bathroom."like that will do any help .... Its paint!" I yelled at her retreating figure. Right when she was around the corner everyone in the halls started laughing. Even me. 

"Oh fuck, she laughed." I heard someone say behind me and instantly stopped. I turned to my open locker. Shut it a little harder then I meant to but who cares. I was about to walk to lunch with Bella when my phone vibrated in my dark heather grey jeans. I pulled it out and saw the number on the screen. 

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