"Hey Car Part!"

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It was about 45 minutes until we were at the track. Amaya rode with me in my Black BMW I8 with tented windows and windshield. Grant drove his Grey with Green racing stripes Mustang. Its not often he comes back home so whenever he is I always let him drive his baby. 

"Again you stay behind me or Grant the whole time we're here." I reminded Amaya has she got out. 

"I know," was her replay. I went around to the hood of my car then scanned the track for find Derrick. I found him standing next to one of my racing friends Garrett. Garrett is actually a Tiger also but he was one that I could stand. He is also 20. He's also gay but not out yet.  I'm the only one who knows. The only reason i am is because he rejected me by saying 'You're not my type. You have a vagina' to say that I was surprised would be an understatement. Though I always like to tease him about not being open with people about his sexuality. 

"Lexi!" Derrick's voice broke me out of my thoughts.  

hehehe watch this

"Garrett... How's favorite gay doing?" He gave a look that said ' shut up or i will kill you.' I smirked response. 

"Don't you mean guy?" He said through gritted teeth. 

"Sure... lets say that." I joked. 

"Sooo....I'm gonna go." With that Derrick was gone and it was only me, Garrett and Amaya. He cocked his head to the side to see her.    

"Whose this?" 

"This is my sister Amaya." I leaned in closer so she couldn't hear "y si se lo derramas a los tigres...... No vacilare para arrancrte  la polla y te lo di" (translation: and if you spill that to the tigers i won't hesitate to rip your dick off and fed it to you) Garrett knew Spanish lucky so did I and Amaya doesn't. "Estoy entendido?" I smirk at the look of fear in his eyes. 

"AM I UNDERSTOOD?!" I yelled when he didn't answer me. I don't play when it comes to her and the twins safety. 

"Y- Yes I-I u-un-understand."  I smirk at his stuttering. It shows exactly how much of a softy he really is. Just then I heard a car engine in the distance. I turned to see a restored 1969 Chevy Camaro. It roared past us and parked near Grant's. I groaned when I saw exactly who was driving the car. 

"You know him?" 

"Sadly I have to race him"

"Wait you're racing Axel?" Garrett seemed suprised.  

"So thats his name?" 

"Lexi you can't race Axel King!"

"And why the hell not?" I don't like being told what to do. I never have. 

"Lexi he's dangerous. He's the most feared member of the Tigers. Not to mention he's been one since he was 13. He is the head of the teenage and young adult devision. How did you not see his tattoo?" My eyes widen at these facts. Ive never heard of a gang taking a kid of 13. He must be good. And if I'm being honest now knowing that he is the most feared make me scared. And I'm only afraid of one thing. (One thing that will not be mentioned.) I can't have Amaya with me when I confront him. And He's coming this way???!!!  

"Garrett. Grant's here somewhere. Find him and take Amaya with you leave her with him then find Derrick for me."   

 "Who said?" He smirked.  

"That was not an open ended threat Garrett." I could see his face visibly pale. I really don't see why The Tigers excepted him... He's such a pussy. I turned to look at my sister. "Go with him and then... Stay. With. Grant. You hear me?"   

"Yes." With that they both where off to find Grant and Derrick. And it was just in time too.

"So I hear your name is a car part? I think that what I'm gonna call you know car part."

"If you start calling me car part I will kill you." His face seemed emotion less.

"Aw c'mon I know you want hurt this pretty face." 

"Be ready to get your ass handed to you" 

"Oh someones sure of them self" Just then Derrick walked up.

"Alright I just talked to Donne. You guys will be racing each other at 7:30. If you want there will be other drag races before and after you are welcome to enter if you want more cash. Lex can I speak to you privately please?" He looked over to Axel, he nodded and walked off to his car."Are you insane?"  

"Yes but why are you asking?"

"Bringing your 14 year old sister? This is dangerous Lexi. You know that more than anyone. Why bring her here?" 

"Dont worry about her ricky she's strong and Grant is here. She wont be alone during  the race and once the race is done im leaving and going back home." He sighed knowing that there was no use in arguing. 

"Where's Grant?" I sighed. 

"Talking with an old friend near his car" 

"Thanks"I left him to go find my brother and sister.  I begain scaning the crowd for Grant tall frame. 

Ah Found his car

 As I made my way towards my brother's car what i saw made my blood boil. Grant was gone and Stupid car part was standing talking to Amaya! 

Im going to kill him. 

That might not be the best idea considering that your parents are Lawyers . 

I don't care. Going after my sister is crossing then line 

Fine. Whatever. 

"Hey Car Part! Why don't you leave her alone?"

"Lexi its fine." Mya voice tried to calm me but right now nothing would work. I was pissed the hell off and nothing was gonna stop a fight or argument to break out unless he left town.  

"You really think that I would go after a 14 year old girl?! I may be called a monster but I'm not that bad." 

"You think I care about that. You stay the hell away from my sister!----" My eyes widen as I realize what I just said.  

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