Getting ready

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I wake up to the blaring of my alarm clock. You know that super annoying sound of  Taylor Swift's voice? Yea that's the sound I wake up to every morning. Now you know why I'm in a bad mood every day. I walk to my bathroom and quickly shower. Then go through my skincare routine. After I walked to my closet to pick my outfit for the day. I close a Black sweater crop top, Black Ripped jeans, Black Combat boots and my Black Leather jacket. If you can tell I like the color black. After changing a move to my desk and start with make up. I just did simple to start with some foundation and powder. For eyeliner I decided to make my calling card of a lighting strike. 

After that was done to the way I like it I walk down the steps. I sprint towards the kitchen to meet the smiling faces of my brothers and parents. 

" Good Morning." I greet them.  

"Morning." They all greet back. They're all acting let nothing happen last night. 

well duh Lexi they don't know you know what they know 

thats a lot of know's

oh you would just shut up 

fine *sticks tongue out* 

Oh SO mature 

I Shake my head to stop the convo with myself. People might think I'm crazy. Oh wait ... I am. 

"Could one of you take the twins and Mya to school? I kinda want to ride my bike." 

"I'll take em." Dad answered.  

"yeah and I'll pick em up." Grant spoke up.

"Nice. Ok mom?" She turned in her stool to face me. "Some one will need to pack their lunches and get them up. I have to go. I have a meeting with Coach Derrick." I actually don't I just want to rade the nurse's station to find a better brace. 

"Ok sweetie you go."

"Thanks," I smile and make my way to the garage to find my baby.  

Yes my motorcycle is my baby... sue me 

I smile hearing the roar. I zoom out of the garage door and down our long ass drive. I stop at the gate. 

Now all this security makes sense. He's a gang leader. And just some dingy small town gang...... The TIGERS!! The most feared and biggest gang in North Carolina.  Holy. Shit. I'm the daughter of a gang leader. 

I punch my code in the gate and watch as it slowly opens. Once it is I  zoom atta there and on to school. 

Axel's POV

I hate School. The Tiger king called last night and said I would be getting a new mission: Protection of his family. Apparently the Fucktards that call themselves the Wolves  want to kill them and the king to gain more land and members. Like that would ever happen. Our King is one strong son of a bitch.

 I'm the first to wake up in the foster home, per usual. My bike is the only one I keep with me at all times. The others are at the base. After changing I head down to grab an apple Then ahead out the door and to hell (you know what I mean).  

The Tiger King has A quite large family to my understanding. Triplet sons who are stationed in the piedmont. Then a daughter and three foster kids. That's all I know about them. Looks like I'm gonna have to deal with that later. 

I pull up to the school: um Ridge Wood high. Sounds dumb, like one of those cliche school in books. Jokes are ... well Jocks. The queen bee is a slut and  bullies the nerds. Then theres me the only ba- 

What the fuck is this?!  

There's  two other bikes in the parking lot. I know one is my buddy Gage. HIs is the vintage just like mine. He's also in the gang. He told to fight the best in the city last night. Look where that got me. My first tie.  

Anyway, I park my bike next to a sports one. 

~A little while later~ 

I just got my locker number/ code, and schedule. Lets see .....

Math: Mr. Ortega 8:45 a.m.  I might go to that 

History: Mrs. Pierce 10a.m

Gym: Coach Derrick 11:05a.m. Ok defiantly doing that 

Free period 


French: - Yeah skipping. I already fluent in spanish why do I need French? 

Biology: I might go to that  

Ok so I might go to 3 outta 5 classes.  I open my locker and start to put stuff in when A blonde walks up next to me. 

"Hey there." She greeted talking in what I guess is a seductive tone. It sound more like a dying cow if you ask me. She's nice looking but she looks all plastic and fake. 

I wonder how many surgeries she'd had?

"My name's Chloe. Whats your's?"  

" One your not gonna know. Now if you excuse me I have something better to do than talk to a plastic barbie." I say as I walk off toward the gym. I want to meet this coach. Ive heard his name before I know it. 

I bust through the doors to the weight room And my eyes pop out of my sockets for a minute. There in the middle of of the room is the raven haired girl from last night standing with the coach. 

A/N This was kinda a filer buuuuut...... 


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