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"Lexi," I heard Grant call. My body still frozen from what I had just said. 

"Mya, go to Grant and stay with him til the race please." I told her with athority in my voice. She did not try to fight me and walked over to him. Luckily he took the hint and walked away. 

"What was that about?" I heard the Axel ask.

"I dont know what you are talking about." I replied. I quickly changed the subject to the race and we began a conversation.  

After talking to Axel for about two minutes, I went back to my car to check for anything out of place or if anyone tried to mess with the break line or something. This is an illegal race you can never be too careful. 

"Would Lexi and Axel King please make their way to the starting point REPEAT Lexi and and Axel King."

I heard a bombing voice come through a mega phone. It's show time. I get in and start my car, smiling when I hear the rumble. 

God I missed you baby. 

Like I've said before I normally use Grant's car for races because it was built for them,

I drove to the starting line. I was there first.  Take that car part! I got out of my car and sat on the hood waiting. Once I heard the roar of his "car", I moved back to the driver seat.  

A girl moved to the front of cars. 

Eww bright red booty shorts  

Who the fuck wheres those in the middle of September?! 

Whores that who.

I roll my eyes and reave my engine. I send a smirk out the window over to Car Part. He rolls his eyes. Right as the flag goes down I floor it. 

I don't know what it is about driving that gets me going but .... It almost feels like I'm flying. You know, like nothing can stop you. Its just you and your opponent. Its like a therapy for me honestly some of the anger i feel throughout the day is released through driving. Most of the time its anger for the motherfucker that made me the way I am. A non trusting, secretive, street fighter. But now I think its anger pointed to me. But I don't know what Im mad about ya know? 

As I'm coming up on the turn I reach upwards to grab my e-brake. I loose traction and drift just enough to make the turn. A smile never leave my lips. I look my mirror and there is the bastard. Right on my fucking tail. 

" I swear you dick if bump my car I will end you," I say glaring at him through the mirror. And sure enough he did it was a light tap but no one ever does that to me, wins and gets away with it.  

"Son of a bitch," I mutter when he does, "Oh you are so dead."

I gets beside right before the finish line. I rive and roar my engine trying to make it go faster. I gain a little on him. Then he comes back. 

This dick won't stop.

hehehe thats what she said 

UGH you're racing cut it out!!

I shake my head to get the thoughts out. I look back behind me only to find that he's right beside my car. I speed up only for him to do the same. Its like he knows what I do right when I decided to do it. I'm right at the finish. And boy am I gonna kill him when I get out of this car. He's still right next to me when I make pass the finish. God I hope it not a tie. Although ties in street races are few and far between they do happen.... just not to me. In my races there are always  a winner and loser. Always has and always will. 

I stop and park my car with revenge in my sights. (Don't think I haven't forgotten about that) As soon as he gets out of his car, I'm in front of him. His eyes hold amusement. 

"Oh so you think it's funny uh?" 

"Princess It's hilarious." He replied barely hold in a laugh. By now all the people here have their eyes on us probably in fear of what ill do. See all these people know me... Well at least the part I let them see. They  know that no one bumps any of my cars and gets away with it. Before the bitch even knows what I'm doing my foot collied with his crotch. In a spilt second he was hunched over holding his crowned jewels or "baby maker" as he put it.  I grabbed his face to make him look and me.

"NO one bumps my car and gets away with it. Consider this your only warning. Don't it again and your quote baby maker isn't gonna be working anytime soon." I let go of his face harshly. Hard enough to where he fell in on the ground. I lend over to where he could still see my face clearly.   "And never call me princess again."  My voice dripping with venom. I turn and strut back to my car. Once there Garrett walked up. 

"He bumped your car." It was more of stating a fact than asking a question.

"Yeah" He chuckles.

"I kinda figured that when I saw him on the ground holding his balls." I scoffed.

not so much of a tough guy now are ya

"Ladies and gentleman we have the results for the races against our champion. You'll never believe this ..... it was a tie!" that megaphone voice hangout through the track.  There was silence afterwards. 

"TIE?!?" Axel and I yelled. 


I glared at Garrett. He's my friend meaning he can say things others can't but never in my life had I thought this would happened.  I never tie with  anyone it's always one way I'm better or worse than my opponent. I either win or lose. 

"Shut the fuck up. Its not funny."

"Honey I think it's the best thing in the world right now."  

"That fucker is going to wish he died years ago." I gritted my teeth. With that I walked over to the stand got my money and left. 35 minutes later I was in the garage of my house and walking in. That is when I saw the people you saved my life. 

"Mom? Dad?"

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