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anna and holly stood side by side, looking up in awe at the tall, victorian building they would soon be entering, their eyes wandering up the high vault entrance, watching as people passed through it's thick iron gates and down the corridors on both sides, entering through light wooden doors, vanishing into a world of creativity. anna let out a squeal of excitement and started to pull at holly's arm, the two of them quickly dashing through the streets in their newest wardrobe, fit for art students.

"god this is gonna be a drag." holly rolled her eyes as she watched anna fix her watch, taking a drag of her cigarette.

"with that attitude, yes." anna mothered. holly just turned around and headed off to her own classes, waving anna goodbye as she veered away.

with fresh confidence, anna clutched her side bag confidently, feeling the slight outline of her new brushes and oil paints, searching for three gold numbers on the door of her first class.

she walked in and sat down near the middle, surrounded by empty seats and ready to slay anything that could possibly come her way—

"ello, angel face!" john piped happily from behind, having a seat next to her, stuart taking the seat next to john, greeting anna first.

"ignore hi—wait..." stu further examined anna.

"we're in the flat next to you, you had tea with my roommate, holly?" anna finished for him, shaking his hand.

john's eyes widened, and a smirk formed on his lips. "yer the new neighbor, eh?" anna's face went blank—she wasn't ready for that.

"and you're his mate...smashin'." she hissed unenthusiastically, starting to busy herself with arranging her supplies. john laughed at her reaction as stuart sat down, focusing himself on his own issues.

the class was informed that they needed to start working on a project of something that resembled their childhood, so anna worked on a record player, which is one of her first childhood memories. however, as she was trying to focus on the professors 'tips for a perfect oil painting', john kept bothering her with pointless questions.

"what're ye doing now?" he poked for the fifth time, watching her with his chin rested on his palm, his eyes in a trance with how her face looked when she was concentrating.

"resisting the urge to slap you in the face." she said nonchalantly, brushing a thin stroke across the grain of the canvas.

"rawr." he growled playfully at her; anna fought back the urge to giggle as stuart furthered john's ego with a snicker.

soon john got tired of anna's boring responses and made himself do a bit of work.
the class was finally dismissed and anna left her painting to dry in the back, quickly packing away her supplies again. she noticed that everyone had left but john, who's face was centimeters away from his work, which looked like a bluffed outline of a red haired woman sitting on a lawn.

"who's that?" anna broke through the silence and john slowly drew his head back.

"a woman." he answered broadly, smirking before continuing his work, anna leaving quickly.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

by the end of the day she walked with leftover pride, exiting the large brown doors to the courtyard, deciding to take a more scenic route back home before her first shift.

the sun fanned her face as she walked from the covering and along the concrete, groaning when her short heel got caught in the sidewalk crevice. she stumbled to get back up, but still managed to gain back her balance just in time to notice john with his guitar, leaning against the trunk of a nearby oak tree, which littered the vast green yard, empty at a time where everyone was in class.

[aint she sweet; the beatles]

"what are you doing out of class?" anna hollered out, curious as to his charming excuse.

"well what does it look like I'm doing?" he opened his arms widely and got off the tree, walking towards anna, who had stopped. he brought around his guitar. "spare a minute of yer time?"

"'s very valuable y'know.." she crossed her arms and began to tap her foot, thinking with a expanding smirk on her lips.

"ill start anyway." he placed his fingers on an opening chord and strummed largely, looking once in her eyes before focusing again, this time singing while he played. "oh ain't she sweet? see her walking down that street? yes I ask you very confidentially, ain't she sweet? oh ain't she nice, look her over once or twice, yes I ask you very confidentially, ain't she nice?" he cut off, and left anna blushing against her will.

"very nice." she nodded before ducking and walking past, but he grabbed a hold of her wrist. "yes?"

"i was wondering," he swung his guitar around to his back. "would ye want te go te the pictures?"

"with you?"


"no." she smiled modestly before walking away again, this time he let go, but caught up to her.

"i didn't ask ye to fucking marry me!" he seemed to be ridiculing her denial. "hell! I didn't even say we had to shag." he rubbed his chin. anna snapped her head to face him, her expression fierce, wiping the smirk from his rosy lips.

"no means no, lennon." she hissed, walking away for the third time.

john let out a huge sigh as she walked past him, deciding not to go after her again. instead he sat down on a nearby bench and buried his face in his hands, running them through his hair after.

"oh ain't she fucking sweet?" he scoffed, grabbing his guitar by the neck and storming off in the opposite direction.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

"pardon, but he sang to you?" holly was holding back a persistent giggle as the pair of friends sat in the comfort of their flat, the pale moonlight streaming through their naked window and onto the settee where they sat, drinking baby cham and listening to the dansette, discussing their day.

"he did!" anna got up. "refill?" she held up the bottle, and holly shook her head.

"ann, i really think he's trying hard because he likes ya!" anna scoffed at the suggestion, plopping herself down again and throwing an arm over the top of the velvet lounge.

"no no. boys like him just want a good shag." she took a light sip.

"well, while ye were busy playing hard to get," holly shot her a look. "I was getting an invite to the pictures as well." she pursed her lips. "by stu!"

"that's amazing, holl!" anna slapped her shoulder, the chiffon sleeves on holly's dress fluttering with the gush of wind.

"ta!" the two cheered for the second time that evening, sipping back the last of their drink before turning off the lights and tucking in.

-black velvet ; j.lennonWhere stories live. Discover now